Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
How To Tilt Your Lax Helmet
BARRIOS FERNANDO: THE PARABLE OF THE GOOD THIEF (new lessons in spiritualism APRA) U.S. revives
* the English stock market collapses, Santander BBVA punished by the markets
* Account new 456 dead victims in Cambodia
* European Union denounces corporate tax in Spain
* burned in Seoul North Korean flag
white dove was sitting in the green lime
With the branch cut peak
With the industry gave the flower.
Ay! My love
When you see me?
Ay! My love
When the sun sets
I kneel at the feet of my lover
I get constant, constant. Give me a hand
the other
Dame Dame un besito
on your mouth. I will give
turned full circle
With a little step backwards
No, but no, no. Because I'm ashamed
But, but, but
Because I love you.
Peruvian share with Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia
* Account new 456 dead victims in Cambodia
* European Union denounces corporate tax in Spain
* burned in Seoul North Korean flag
white dove was sitting in the green lime
With the branch cut peak
With the industry gave the flower.
Ay! My love
When you see me?
Ay! My love
When the sun sets
I kneel at the feet of my lover
I get constant, constant. Give me a hand
the other
Dame Dame un besito
on your mouth. I will give
turned full circle
With a little step backwards
No, but no, no. Because I'm ashamed
But, but, but
Because I love you.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Waverly Country French Curtains
On 19 November 1933, polling stations opened their doors to celebrate an election with a new transcendental women participated with their vote in a general election. Before France, Belgium and Italy, the Second English Republic regulated their right to vote as dictated by the 1931 Constitution in Article 52: "The ...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Final Fantasy I Y Ii Dawn Of Souls Gameshark
many days ago since I wrote here ... There have been many feelings, thoughts. But I have not had much time to sit quietly and to reflect the number of sensations and feelings that I have addressed. Perhaps the fall
us sad. Perhaps this feeling of helplessness that overwhelms me sometimes. I'm using all my efforts on doing things the best way possible. And there are many fears, frustrations, doubts.
I inject thoughts of serenity, positivity. Many are the times that fear dominates.
based humor and manage to survive many times.
A cat Mariloli, which appeared out of nowhere. A cat who has adopted us ... who behaves with each of us differently. If sunbeams shine this fall limp and left the porch to enjoy the warmth ... it appears there ... waiting to take our place to treat each of the three way different. A causes me to scratch him his white belly. A Papa rone to conquer. Once it sees that Mom feels ... he settles into his lap and try to sleep a good siesta. Medicinal Mariloli not know what his presence in our lives.
care among the authors of my days, the house, cooking ... I crochet. Achieving very childlike creations. Creations full of joy, brightness and color ... That is what I need. That's what they get my parents ... Also thanks to the internet I stay connected to the outside world ... with my friends, with the news yet ... Click, yew, mime, cook ... all .. ..
Sometimes it's so simple ...
If there is a world out there full of things important life-saving neurosurgeons. Economists, lawyers, politicians, bankers and others ... all of this if needed ... but they all have mothers and fathers who determined the final moments of their lives, they need attention, care, love and cuddles .... for what I see with my own ... that seniors with certain diseases have love, joy and pampering ... you can sweeten the disease and old age .... Yes. I am proud to do what I'm doing ... And do not forget anyone ... because nobody knows where the rest of his life ... and in this world so obsessed by control everything ... nobody can predict how it will organize the final ....
many days ago since I wrote here ... There have been many feelings, thoughts. But I have not had much time to sit quietly and to reflect the number of sensations and feelings that I have addressed. Perhaps the fall
us sad. Perhaps this feeling of helplessness that overwhelms me sometimes. I'm using all my efforts on doing things the best way possible. And there are many fears, frustrations, doubts.
I inject thoughts of serenity, positivity. Many are the times that fear dominates.
based humor and manage to survive many times.
A cat Mariloli, which appeared out of nowhere. A cat who has adopted us ... who behaves with each of us differently. If sunbeams shine this fall limp and left the porch to enjoy the warmth ... it appears there ... waiting to take our place to treat each of the three way different. A causes me to scratch him his white belly. A Papa rone to conquer. Once it sees that Mom feels ... he settles into his lap and try to sleep a good siesta. Medicinal Mariloli not know what his presence in our lives.
care among the authors of my days, the house, cooking ... I crochet. Achieving very childlike creations. Creations full of joy, brightness and color ... That is what I need. That's what they get my parents ... Also thanks to the internet I stay connected to the outside world ... with my friends, with the news yet ... Click, yew, mime, cook ... all .. ..
Sometimes it's so simple ...
If there is a world out there full of things important life-saving neurosurgeons. Economists, lawyers, politicians, bankers and others ... all of this if needed ... but they all have mothers and fathers who determined the final moments of their lives, they need attention, care, love and cuddles .... for what I see with my own ... that seniors with certain diseases have love, joy and pampering ... you can sweeten the disease and old age .... Yes. I am proud to do what I'm doing ... And do not forget anyone ... because nobody knows where the rest of his life ... and in this world so obsessed by control everything ... nobody can predict how it will organize the final ....
Friday, November 12, 2010
Cruising And Nj And Gay
Caracazo images and cause diplomatic reactions. Insulza is triggered, the OAS re-used to sell paper. Zapatero
Traces of February 29, 1989 were removed by the international press with torpedoes information reproducing excerpts from the statement of General Venezuelan Henry Rangel Silva. Venezuela is in the political objective of media pressure groups, and this new attack originated with the handling of an interview, helps us continue removing these evils of the abuse and trade press.
The peoples of Latin America recognize the anachronism of the OAS, the countries of eastern Africa and denounce the dictatorship aucratica Nations together. New or old these questions have blackmailed and "tame" our diplomacy and when not servile government discredit and criminalize it ..
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Name Of The Parts Inside A Car
G20 humbly asks the entry of Spain. Order Zapatero speaks of its "diplomatic influence" and takes its toll by wars or mute support the military coup in Honduras
President Iberdrola's Zapatero lowers the euphoria of
President Iberdrola's Zapatero lowers the euphoria of
ECONOMY. Ignacio Sanchez Galan, Iberdrola's chairman, has spoken from the Business Forum of G 20 on Zapatero's statements, which promised the creation of 1 million jobs in the energy sector.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Diy Zinc Plating Electrolyte
Zelaya denounced intimidation, kidnapping, criminal and media terrorism against FNRP Tea Party of Honduras
Read more: # ixzz156edxoaQ
Ousted President Manuel Zelaya has asked the U.S. to "get their noses" in Honduras and stop intimidating its supporters grouped in the National Front Popular Resistance (FNRP).
Washington have blamed "tax and sustain an undemocratic and tyrannical regime (of President Porfirio Lobo) by force of arms."
In a letter to his supporters and released Friday by the FNRP, Zelaya asks: "When will you get (United States) their noses, their plans for counterinsurgency?, When will it end the U.S. Central Intelligence his intimidation, criminal and media terrorism against Popular Resistance Front? ". Read more: # ixzz156edxoaQ
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
My Pregnancy Test Got Soft Negative
Made in Peruvian ... and a desperate electioneering parties
Dear compatriots:
Dear compatriots:
Central vision does evil to live there in company info Lima in the cafes of the gatherings to change the country. But the real struggle takes place within the country. The left used to be divided to mantenr share power and negotiate has given way to a more modern version of utilitarianism ALGOR mentoring NGOs are now demanding from their subsidized and leftists who want change criollo turning point, but without disrupting the bowels of the corrupt power enthroned in state bodies, without changing the constitution, without re-found the republic and even more not to redistribute the wealth that now hear that equity between emprendedores.Quienes as ten Canseco mentions only the year 2006 as regards a unitary vocation, not to mention the principal actor c. Humala, leaves the following message in the box as 70, 80 you're welcome to view the statistics are relatively few that remain of this era, young people who want the change we think differently.
(Arlene Falcon)
division syndrome (*)
Setting Briones/30.10.2010
Article right Elections wants ( The Republic 19/10/2009) , Javier Diez Canseco referred to the tragedy of the Peruvian left, as follows:
"Right, aware of the illegitimate and discredited political system (abuse of power , corruption and intrigue), to destroy the options for change ... blackmail aspiring options for change and encourage fractionation. Headlines for the divisions and conflicts. Silence unit efforts. Right, we know she overcrowded nomination unsuccessfully in an effort to move the "center", you need to divide the forces change, undermine their leadership and prevent the unit to shut options in the second round in 2011.
"And, as noted by Nelson Manrique few days ago, this operation seems to have an almost enthusiastic cooperation of forces that are defined by change. Some won by the idea of \u200b\u200bManifest Destiny, others risking a "political raffle (if any ...), and Fujimori could play the role of the division of the right script. Seems to have learned little from the lessons of recent history.
"29 years ago, in September 1980, he founded the United Left, learning from defeat, this year, left-wing forces that had been added (separate) first vote in the Constituent Assembly of 1978. 80 The failure of his way to the unit. In three years, IU won the Municipality of Lima to Barrantes and then led 50% of regional governments, one third of the municipalities and was the second electoral force 85.
"The unit proved to be a condition of progress and victory. But he had grown . Sectarianism, abuse of differences lack of internal democracy, the partisan cuoteo posts, old management styles earned governments, lack of programmatic and organizational renewal, horizontal treatment with grassroots organizations, women and youth, lack of awareness of being country multinational, the impact of terrorism hiker who pounded right and left and, above all, lack of will power and ability to put forward the change of Peru, we are led to the disintegration of the largest leftist America South. "
In 2006, an avalanche of change an opportunity reopened that was lost by a hair, but the lesson of unity and organization was low. "Consolidates the forces of change or it will be the right script ?"
To these reflections add these additional Javier, under my point of view as "non-partisan" United Left (IU):
"The victory in the municipal elections of 1983 and constitute the second electoral force in 1985, he showed Peruvian left the magnitude of their electoral power and social influence. This phenomenon was no accident was the result of the conjunction of a sense processing unit and will gestated within the Peruvian people over many years of struggle. The member parties of the United Left (IU) did not understand the essence or the significance of this historic event. Many years of domestic life marked by dogmatism, anti-democratic performance standards and deterioration of social ethics, partly explain this failure.
It was a paradox, the IU games were not only unable to incorporate into its ranks to new groups of adherents to socialism, but on the contrary, suffered the defection of dozens of militants . The universe of "non-partisans" was still the majority in the basic structure of UI, while the management bodies remained in the hands of the parties, transformed into scenes of petty infighting.
"United Left" would come to 1988 unresolved contradictions. The proximity to the elections exacerbated the internal strife and the break was consummated in early 1989, the First National Congress of IU. was lost a historic opportunity for government. The defeat of the Left in 1990 was catastrophic. Was the punishment that the masses gave their leaders for destroying something as precious as is the feeling unit and have thwarted their hopes for change, so long awaited for long years of struggle sacrificed.
In this "syndrome", Alfredo Bryce Echenique in Permission to feeling - anti-memoirs "devotes a scathing lines:
" ... all that left attached to would never be overcome and that the popular overflow and lack of credibility, shame and all, which left little road that time has erased, in vain search of a time irretrievably lost in fights and brawl and divisions thousand. Because the truth, I believe, never in history has been divided and split nothing so much as the Peruvian left. And, scathing title eg sandwich comes to mind is the story that a friend told me about one of these leaders, and always very leftist splinter it. De Santiago Pinelo name and name of fighting "from the trenches of the revolution, the whole pantheon, because each combat division and renamed the underground, the Santiago Pinelo that he inherited from his father a stake Club Regatas Lima, who became a member of this prestigious institution almost automatically. A few weeks later, I told my friend, I had the Race Club and Club de Regatas Lima Lima Rebelde, the result of a split in its origin, of course, was James Pinelo that, moreover, always left the meetings early, with the pretext that they had-yes, as I was told I utter: "I had an appointment with history. "
Awareness of this" syndrome "and root it is a task of this. Urgent to recover the sense of unity destroyed twenty years ago. This is an opportunity for activists from the old left, claimed to atone for his sins. They are not denied the right to build new parties, but nothing justifies it at the expense of discrediting others of the same field, to "wear a saint undressing Other" or thwart the rebuilding of the unit feeling generated from the effort of Ollanta Humala.
"Syndrome of the division is so lethal that it would be healthy to enroll in our new motto prophylactic flags: Without unity, no victory!
(*) Article November 2009, with slight alterations.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
How To Make Gator Cakes
"Piñera up in the polls Jodorowsky calls the sea for Bolivia and controversy with the Nobel Prize
(The Nation - Chile) On Sunday, the national writer Alejandro Jodorowsky gave a talk at the station crowded Mapocho where is the International Book Fair.
And yesterday met with the press and referred to the maritime situation with Bolivia. "Make a gift to other countries would be the best act of sicomagia we could do," he said.
And the Nobel Prize (in Literature given this year to Mario Vargas Llosa) said that "the money they give you comes from the armory." Jodorowsky be presented tomorrow at the Theatre Caupolicán.
not mistaken the Chilean writer who takes his audience to share their concerns. Our friend Dr. AJ impact its reputation and as special guest among the writers who came to the International Book Fair of Chile had to raise his voice to lift the veil on some "taboos chauvinist" who are encouraging the delay of the letters Chile. For a Chilean who has lived in exile most of his life, it illuminates this special moment. His pragmatism should not go unnoticed but rather should be read as a public manifesto that exposes the arms of the world and criticized the flag raising virtual puppets that profit from the crisis in the world.
(The Nation - Chile) On Sunday, the national writer Alejandro Jodorowsky gave a talk at the station crowded Mapocho where is the International Book Fair.
And yesterday met with the press and referred to the maritime situation with Bolivia. "Make a gift to other countries would be the best act of sicomagia we could do," he said.
And the Nobel Prize (in Literature given this year to Mario Vargas Llosa) said that "the money they give you comes from the armory." Jodorowsky be presented tomorrow at the Theatre Caupolicán.
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