CUBA: The Latin American block sold for lentils ... Human rights and freedoms of the EU review and HAITI CUBA cases in Luxembourg will begin the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the European Union, the English Minister Trinidad Jiménez which opens will ask for the release that is applied against Cuba. For experts the move will encourage the English PSOE worn to assert as a spokesman for Latin America within the Union. Some of the troubles is wise because Javier Solanas (former head of EU foreign) would have prepared using the same "popular" Aznar stressed the lock. For Spain, the sign is positive political and diplomatic interest but also for growth abroad, telephony, tourism, banking, petroleum, and communications are strategic items English. Despite the failure of the English neo-liberal model "socialist" are also Zapatero requiring a sort of "sponsorship" to accompany the "unstable" democracies in Latin America. Recent topics like the plague epidemic in Haiti and strengthen the road map accompanying the Minister Jiménez that exploits their experience of their passage through the Office of Spain Ibero-America.
UNASUR The consensus had been a significant contribution to open a path of negotiations between the EU and Latin America, but the anarchy of states for the signing of the FTA did not know how to handle a pace conducive to Cuba or its neighbors .. .
aid of Spain in Haiti, as announced today, is 10 million Euros. A new wave of "ER
, festivals and fundraising funds are already beginning to prepare "
scavengers " the world to "help" Haiti ... ------------------------------------
save memory
By Miguel D'Escoto
October 24, 2010. United Nations Day. Since I left my position as President of the UN General Assembly on 14 September 2009, I have been working on a proposal for a reinvention of the Organization of the United Nations. That proposal will be introducing soon.
I am one of those convinced that now more than ever the world is United Nations a real need to unite us all peoples and governments of the world in defense of the right to life and all the other inalienable rights of individual human beings and humanity as a whole, of all living beings general nature and Mother Earth. What we have now by the United Nations is a fraud, a sham, is a big lie because there are those who have endeavored to twist it beyond any possible reform.
And I say this because it is clear that within the organization have a Member State, the most influential, rich and powerful military, which has successfully persuaded other Members, especially the so-called first world, to work for a radically different agenda to the agenda of peace, respect and harmony among all Member States, while respecting their sovereign equality the Charter entered as its first principle. This Member State acts as master of the Organization and its "negotiations" are nothing more than threats, retaliation and massive smear campaigns could only be described as media terrorism.
For United Nations to become a real organization would require that all Member States, and particularly the most powerful and influential, they were really committed to world peace, eradication of war, famine and poverty in this world. These, after all, were the objectives for which the United Nations was created and, in signing the Charter, Member States pledged to devote their best efforts to achieve these purposes.
For over thirty years, at least, it is known that the eradication of hunger and extreme poverty is no longer an unattainable utopia. It has the resources and scientific and technical knowledge to do so. The only thing lacking is the political will to live in brotherhood, love each other and being provided to meet the demands of human solidarity. We would need also to be political will to meet the demands of respect, love and care for all living things and our Mother Earth.
believe that there is no doubt that most of the world's peoples yearn for peace and consider it the supreme good toward which we work. However, there is, as we have said, a state for which the highest good, which gives reason to their existence, there is peace, but power. A domination and crushing power could only be described as evil, because there is no means, however violent and criminal is that this State, commonly called simply Imperialism, is unwilling to used to achieve its goal of Full Spectrum Dominance (Total Spectrum Dominance), name given by the Pentagon's own military strategy to gain control of the entire planet and beyond. This obviously is a goal that others had tried before, without ever achieving it. According to the Pentagon itself, the agenda of this objective is to control everything and everywhere, including sea, land, air and even outer space and cyberspace.
When it comes to this kind of insane ambitions, it is difficult to prevent that come to mind memories of events as reprehensible and evil as all related to Hitler, they can never be sufficiently condemned. However, it is no exaggeration to say that Hitler, with all the evil he did, he could not have caused much damage to mankind as the United States already has caused and is causing exponentially to the point of jeopardizing the continued the human species and most life on Earth. U.S. and NATO allies are a thousand times more dangerous and reprehensible than Hitler himself.
Therefore, it is still difficult, however desirable it is, imagine an America different, integrated with the rest of the human family, working for peace and security in the world and doing everything possible to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty on this earth, being that they are the main culprits. And, besides, of course, we would like to see a United States also seriously trying to respond effectively to climate change, global warming and ecological problems of which they have been among the main causes. But we must ask, how long should we continue to expect the United States and its allies continue to make up and stop acting as enemies of humanity, life and Mother Earth?
The essential evil of the Empire is not something that was, by itself, just like that, as if by accident. It was premeditated decided by the chief architects of the policy of containment of the Cold War, with George F. Kennan, Director of Policy Planning Section of the Department of State, to the head. In an internal document on foreign policy, 1948, classified as Top Secret, he makes a summary of what should be the main objectives of U.S. foreign policy while creating the Empire of the Post War became known as the American century. Kennan's thesis, eventually declassified, it was chillingly clear. Selfishness and greed were officially enthroned, while international solidarity was characterized as an extravagance to the priorities "more serious and important" of the moment. "We need not delude ourselves that we can now afford to altruism and to act as benefactors of this world." With these values \u200b\u200band standards to be expected that the United States always behaved as an enemy of the values \u200b\u200band principles embodied in the UN Charter.
Yes, the planners of the new foreign policy of the United States were well aware of the fact that, at this point in history, the word imperialism had become politically repugnant and, therefore, the architects of the order Post-War global US-controlled, conscious and explicitly chose to ignore the word empire in reference to the new order. The alternative chosen by the United States was camouflaging its imperial power under the guise of "liberating" colonial, support for "democracy" and "free-market." As William Engdahl says, world-renowned expert in international relations and author of several bestsellers, "this maneuver was one of the most effective and devilish propaganda coups of modern times."
We can not afford to continue fooling. United States could have signed the UN Charter but never shared his principles and values. Peace has never sought because needs of the war as a means to achieve their Full Spectrum Dominance which now extends into outer space and cyberspace. United States has never believed in the rule of law in international relations, has always believed in the law of the jungle, ie the right of the strongest. Has never believed in the UN, only wanted to manipulate and, from his position as a Member State in the Organization's most influential, has always blackmailed and threatened if not accompanied on their genocides like the one committed against Nicaragua, and continues today committing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
With its unique apparatus and washing media influence brain, the U.S. now the world psychologically prepared to accept an attack on Iran with the same logic as it did against Iraq and Afghanistan, made of natural resources and ever closer to Russia is and always has been, its main objective. The arrogance of empire does not pay sufficient attention to possible consequences of their adventures. With all due respect to Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran is different. If Americans have failed in Iraq and Afghanistan - the less they can against Iran and the consequences of this new criminal venture could be disastrous, not only for Iran and surrounding countries, but also for the whole world. Something similar would happen if the U.S. accepts no doubt the principle of one China and remains committed to his folly of dividing to eventually fragment.
It seems to me that has come when, as the great African intellectual, Ngugi Wa Thiongo oo, decolonizing the intellect, taking us out domesticating ideas like that that we need the United States as slaves needed slave to his executioners. The truth is that the United States will need as much as we need to arsenic. Enough of denial, not wanting to face reality and call things by their name.
The United Nations are truly United Nations since the positions of different Member States of the Organization are not equal with respect to the vital issues of war and peace, hunger and poverty, climate change, global warming and nuclear disarmament and respect for the law the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all States. The United States, the most influential country in the Organization and more systematic violator of all its rules and principles, has a position diametrically opposed to the vast majority of Member States. Its main partners are the United Kingdom, most European countries and Israel. The main weapon they have for imposing his will in the world is NATO. By allying with the United States all of them have also become enemies of Humanity, Peace, Life and Mother Earth.
From my point of view, as a religious and follower of my Lord Jesus of Nazareth, I am absolutely convinced that America is under severe demonic possession. The world is undergoing a truly apocalyptic. Possibly not the first, but it could be the last, due to the huge and unprecedented destructive power of the beast and the apathy and apparent indifference and cowardice of those who claim to be believers in God, and debiéndose unite to organize a strategy effective resistance, do not. We should all humbly acknowledge that President Fidel Castro, World Solidarity hero is the great prophet and moral and spiritual leader in the world today. Your thoughts are truly inspired and inspiring. On October 15 we are warned that the collateral damage in a nuclear war today would be the life of humanity. And, allowing my Lord Jesus speak through him, Fidel urges us: Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that serves to make the war must disappear! Fidel Thank you for your courage and example of life!
all these reflections are that led me to say, in concluding my term as President of the General Assembly that the UN has reached a point that not enough reform and patches. It has to be reinvented and as a contribution to this urgent task of reinvention to which I have devoted the past two years. The proposal I make a personal capacity as president of the UN General Assembly, under my full and sole responsibility, and as a person interested in peace, the eradication of war, hunger, poverty and mistreatment of our Mother Earth without which we can not live. The values \u200b\u200bwe stand for and that all my life I have argued, are the values \u200b\u200bof my Lord Jesus who, in essence, I find it absolutely compatible with the values \u200b\u200bof my sisters and brothers Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, Aymara, as with all religions of the world's richest and ethical-philosophical traditions such as Marxism, for example, that promote good relations between all living and suffering.
If you ever (God all things are possible) the United States decides, in fact, return to the human family and as proof of this, dismantling NATO and its more than 1,000 military bases scattered all over the world, be seriously in the process of abolishing nuclear weapons, demilitarization of outer space and put an end to genocidal wars of aggression, cease its criminal harassment against Cuba, suspending the blockade and releasing the 5 Cuban heroes, I'm sure everyone would welcome and would receive him with open arms into the heart of the human family because what motivates us is neither hate nor the revenge is only love and the desire for universal brotherhood. God bless them and return peace, security and happiness to our world.
I think it's extremely urgent that we put to work in the reinvention of the UN to be truly an organization that, and not subject to any pattern, rich and militarily powerful it is. Personally, I have tried to answer the State trust Members put into this humble servant in electing its President of 63 session of the UN General Assembly, reflecting over the past two years and exchanging ideas with people who seemed the most qualified to help prepare a good and viable proposal to reinvent the United Nations and make it an effective instrument in the struggle for peace, the eradication of war, hunger and extreme poverty on Earth. A United Nations truly democratic and demilitarized. With humility and great love, soon we will be presenting its latest version on our website: Upon receipt the proposal would have to act soon and take note that your acceptance or rejection should be made between the heads of State and Government. Forward for analysis and work from the Permanent Representatives to the UN would expose it to sudden death to be caught in the vast web of procedural rules as those for "reforms" whose sole purpose is that nothing changes. Regional business groups of heads of State and Government of the members of the Group of 77 + China, could be achieved relatively easily and quickly enough to submit it for approval by the General Assembly once again secured the votes of the Group of 77 + China to which I am sure many others will join.