Friday, December 31, 2010

Do You Get Results From Zumba


Well, another year ends. And thank goodness!

We live in a time hard to grasp. There have been many social, political and personal. Sometimes digest it all costs. We are entering a terrible wave of pessimism. In almost every country in the world have been many sad events, serious and terrible. They have been very few really good news. For example, the 33 families of Chilean miners. Families who have recovered his breath Renaissance their husbands, sons, brothers and friends. A story that still moves me to remember.
is difficult to remain optimistic when everything you send out messages very terrible: the number of unemployed increases outrageous, economies that do not totally recover, totalitarian regimes do not hear the voices of democracy, families torn apart by a perpetrator or a terrorism, natural disasters, there are many problems ...
think that because it ends this year is the time (like every year at this time) to the list of wishes and resolutions for the coming year.
I've always been a faithful practitioner of these small, personal rituals of good luck. But this year I decided to include something important. The gratitude rather than desires.

If GRATITUDE ... Amid this wave of pessimism we think a few minutes before complaining. Yes, I miss certain things, if I have many things to solve yet. Yes. But it is also true that I have many, many things that millions of people around the world lack. I have a house that I bundle up your child from the cold and heat. I have food in my fridge, I have clothes to wear. It seems that something as simple as a major has lost much appreciation on our part. Do not forget that there are many people who are losing their home do not have anywhere to go. Sees people only covered by a blanket of despair torments him so cruel. Wars, famines If I tell the millions of people worldwide who do not have a tenth of what I have, I must confess that I feel very lucky. AND THANK YOU FOR IT.

Someone taught me that one of the keys to success, prosperity and good relations with my environment is to practice gratitude. The universe thanks to the grateful people. Yes, heartfelt thanks. The same one that teaches us to appreciate everything we have. The Light in our eyes. Health that allows us to live, walk, move and love.

The list must begin by thanking and remembering all those who are not as fortunate as us.

Now on with the desires, the amulets.

And here let one of my favorite charms: The Maneki Neko ...
That brings good luck. HAPPY


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ferris Leopard Print Vest

effective psychological treatments in severe mental disorders Christmas

Making a review of functions, clinical psychologist and subacute rehabilitation units, I find a long list of psychological treatment for psychosocial intervention: psychoeducation programs for people diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder, emotional self-management programs and social skills, cognitive stimulation programs, family psychoeducation, entertainment, leisure and personal autonomy, cognitive behavioral hallucinations and delusions and so on ...

Well, today we want to ask if there are studies demonstrating the effectiveness of these programs and we've come to the Guide Effective Psychological Treatments for Adult Perez Alvarez Fernández Hermida et al, finding the following conclusions:

- based on sources of various kinds in the psychological treatment of psychotic disorders characterized by pessimism, we are currently in a time of growth and development, multi- forms of psychological intervention, which have led to a gradual shift in attention from the processes of rehabilitation or improvement of symptoms secondary disabilities to focus on the symptoms themselves.
- psychological treatments that have proven effective better recovery in schizophrenia are:
psychoeducational family interventions - social skills training
- cognitive-behavioral treatments that target both positive symptoms (hallucinations and delusions) , as the underlying basic cognitive processes.
- packages or integrated multimodal group intervention programs to improve social and cognitive skills such as IPT.
- therapeutic elements in common of these treatments would stress the improvement of social and interpersonal functioning, promoting independent living and community maintenance and reduced the severity of symptoms and comorbidities: depression, suicide and drug use.
- the type of treatment chosen will depend largely on when you are the person, and in acute phases raw drug treatment, stabilization and reduced symptomatology environmental demands with work programs simple, stable and predictable in the stable phase of remission symptomatic interventions will begin psychosocial and finally in the subsequent stabilization phase would promote the capacity to maintain community life, using all available resources and work environment in the prevention of relapse.

have also resorted to Guide for professionals and families of psychological treatments used in schizophrenia Elisa Gallach, Salvador Perona, and Francisco José Oscar Vallina Santolaya, which includes both the strategies focused on the individual as those focusing on the environment for the treatment of schizophrenia. Outstanding in
strategies focused on the individual social skills training, psychoeducation of patients, strategies for stress management, psychological treatment of positive symptoms (hallucinations and delusions), Integrated psychological treatment of schizophrenia (IPT) and Cognitive therapy for adaptation to psychosis (COPE). In the section on strategies focused on the environment this review special emphasis on family interventions, vocational rehabilitation and community intervention programs in psychosocial rehabilitation, within which would include programs to reduce social stigma.

Of course there are many other approaches to serious mental disorders, impossible to include in this brief review. Thus, by way of example, as part of change as indicated in our understanding of psychotic experience has been developing a wide range of psychological models to explain psychotic disorders along with their associated psychological treatment. In this vein, Andrew Gumley and Matthias Schwannauer, outlined in his book back to normal after a psychotic disorder a framework for recovery and return to normality, focusing on emotional and interpersonal adaptation to psychosis, comprising all aspects of the therapeutic process of cognitive-relational: adopt a developmental perspective on help seeking and affect regulation . assist the reorganization and adaptation of the person after the experience of acute psychosis. understanding and treating traumatic reactions following the psychotic experience, working on sense of humiliation, suspension, loss, and fear of relapse, cognitive schema relational work and develop coping strategies within a relational context.

Now only the necessary resources, training and motivation of professionals to implement the whole array of treatments, with a focus on recovery and community involvement may be some the key pieces to dramatically improve the prognosis for people with severe mental illness.

Text by Esther Sanz (External Area Clinical Psychologist Mental Health).

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Orchestra Pit Tickets At Rosemont Theatre

Before the texts give way to the workshop blog, I will take the holidays, these dates endearing to some, indifferent to others and amplifying gap for a few people, as the inevitable excuse to open a door of my feelings after a year of blog, blog and more blog.
For a project ends up eclipsing many areas of your life. You have to be alert, be on guard and agree an ongoing commitment to yourself: to continue taking steps every day to keep alive a search history, meetings, learning and control, all it takes.
My food, my motor, my urge to move forward on this journey have been, above all, people.
First, the main force have given me the "patients, those with whom I live every day in the office, on the ground, in the group of good morning, in the machine coffee or this or that program. Their looks, their histories, their touch, their despair, laughter ... every little detail, every little bit shared, strengthen my firm belief that just before the patient one person to discover it needs a social-health system humane, just and capable and open society, tolerant and above all, knowledgeable.
Joining them are colleagues, friends, people who love you, anonymous people who have crossed your path: Caesar and his company and essential support, Cachi and their willingness and enthusiasm constant, Jesus, Paul, Hilari, Lizardo, "the nikosianos" Jose, Amaia, Naomi, Sandra, Michael ...
My balance "final", then? Tilt gratitude, no doubt. And is that all the time and effort employees have been little if compared to what I measure this year I received: Jumping Walls also because has been a jump inside and growth, an injection of enthusiasm, a lesson in humility.

met year of JACD
"It's been a year since our psychologist came up to hang a blog on the Internet. One idea has borne fruit by opening the doors of these physical walls and invisible to the society to which we turn, with an idea from the beginning of information so that these ideas diffuse and disappear wrong with us.
has visited this process television and the press, giving the newspaper the day a national journalism award for best article on mental illness. More recognition that regional acceptance, nationally and internationally that we are having makes us feel very satisfied.
circumstances I am a patient I've been here since the beginning of the blog, say that I am a pioneer of the subject, but on the workshop blog also spend many patients with high faster than leave an injection every day.
Thanks to our psychologist, our Caesar and an administrative supervisor we pass the written, as no funds each have a computer.
I hope that this idea emerged over the years continue to give some positive fruits as we know, and that way of seeing society change because we are human like any other like it. "

Taking stock of JACD
"It is reaching the end of this year. I passed everything. I've met new people, I'm getting older but I have a young spirit. This year has passed quickly something which in my situation is something that benefits me because I'm waiting for a goal that takes a while to come. Here at the asylum have been spending some patients had been before. I had decompensation for which I have consulted with my psychiatrist and I have adjusted the medication. I've had a hard time because of alcohol on occasion. But I close this year more mature, with self, that I've always missed. I have also made mistakes, I admit, they are no longer so much about my disease. I can definitely leave the world of cocaine and prepare to spend Christmas with my family, without excesses and healthy as possible. I loved this year, which I thought would not happen to me, but went a different way but it was counterproductive. I realized something very important, thought that feeling would never wake me, given how hard it has been my life and my psychiatrist told me that would happen and it was true. Well, my specialist was not wrong in anything I have said, given it every day I am more convinced that we need our professionals to support and guide to follow. I hope that next year will be as good as it tried to correct many things in my character and personality as I need, but it is also the result of a lengthy detention process that I deserve for personal reasons. "

My recovery E.
"I spent almost a year in the hospital rehabilitating drugs. I feel quite well. I like to go out to share Christmas with the family. Seeking
feel better next year. I'll wait to pass it and then talk about the next while I prefer to vent telling sentences rehabilitation within the Center. My imagination does not cover both waiting for other things. I guess next year will be better, because I need a lot. Support both psychological and physical. I've spent almost everything and I dream home whatever happens. I guess I'll get in the meantime I will continue in the shade I checked, I need to get more positive note, I've been writing this since I've put it up a role. Exit and go start another year to celebrate Christmas. "

Taking stock of JFMS
" Overall good. The psychiatrist let me out 4 to 7 and go out with a friend a ride out there. But in 2011 I would be free and have friends help me and have some passion, but it will come as I have without being with a woman at least five years and would like to be with some, to see if it can be. I think I can go out with someone about my age, and if I can be with her much better, so I calm down my anxiety about it. "

The Christmas of JFMS For
Christmas for me, as usual, sad because my children take me to his house and I'm not happy because they have good cars, and my daughter who is lecturing earn much money. The holidays are truly useless for me because I think my family is getting better and if I can not trouble me much because I go out and give me a tour of Santa Cruz and La Laguna and so distracted me a bit. Child to my mother trout and sweet potato flour, and made them very good.

The Christmas Y.
"I believe that I'm going to spend Christmas in hospital. I would like to be outside, but it will not be so the problem I have, schizophrenia. I want to be with my brothers because I really miss. "

My recovery
Y." For me recover would be a great merit, it would stop taking drugs, go out and face the world, see my family, would be a dream, but for now I have to endure because I can not leave the hospital. I have to keep taking the medication and stay the course ".

The Christmas
JLM" This Christmas I will spend the psychiatric center to my house like rats, although I I'm no rat. Nor do I think are worth seeing. In these cases it is best could you be quiet and entertained with your computer, fixing something, little things often important. "

text entered by Esther Sanz (Clinical Psychologist) and written by the members of the workshop blog .

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wranglers From Walmart


The empty chair of Liu Xiaobo. Image that is hard to understand. I also hard to understand that someone can be imprisoned for the ideas like Xiaobo. Does not encourage war or violence. I can hardly understand that in a rapidly changing China of today can be someone in jail and I do not think that if you suffer from conditions or torture. If Mao Zedong raised his head ... Openness that China, which China itself Gross domestic product is significantly more than the GDP of any other Western country. The same China who insisted on showing current, modern, rich and evolved during the last Olympics. Looking at that empty chair I can not help but remember the images of Tiananmen Square.

I imagine the Chinese government's views on this award to one of its political prisoners. If it was a puppet, if it is hypocritical. As well I guess the "support of his friend the gorilla (Gorilla lords forgiveness) red Chavez."

But what can you expect from dictators? Empty chairs and an injection to PEACE in prison.

When I started this blog I decided not to put politics in the middle ... which does not mean that from time to time to drop some blow in protest so much cynicism, lies, manipulation and lies ... I have no

Bear to Liu Xiaobo. In this blog always bears for everyone. I hope to publish it when it is released. And it will be soon ...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sorority Initiation Number Tattoos

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Tilt Your Lax Helmet

BARRIOS FERNANDO: THE PARABLE OF THE GOOD THIEF (new lessons in spiritualism APRA) U.S. revives

Peruvian share with Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia

* the English stock market collapses, Santander BBVA punished by the markets
* Account new 456 dead victims in Cambodia
* European Union denounces corporate tax in Spain
* burned in Seoul North Korean flag

white dove was sitting in the green lime

With the branch cut peak
With the industry gave the flower.

Ay! My love
When you see me?

Ay! My love
When the sun sets

I kneel at the feet of my lover
I get constant, constant. Give me a hand

the other

Dame Dame un besito
on your mouth. I will give

turned full circle

With a little step backwards

No, but no, no. Because I'm ashamed

But, but, but
Because I love you.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Waverly Country French Curtains

La auténtica Transición

On 19 November 1933, polling stations opened their doors to celebrate an election with a new transcendental women participated with their vote in a general election. Before France, Belgium and Italy, the Second English Republic regulated their right to vote as dictated by the 1931 Constitution in Article 52: "The ...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Final Fantasy I Y Ii Dawn Of Souls Gameshark


many days ago since I wrote here ... There have been many feelings, thoughts. But I have not had much time to sit quietly and to reflect the number of sensations and feelings that I have addressed. Perhaps the fall
us sad. Perhaps this feeling of helplessness that overwhelms me sometimes. I'm using all my efforts on doing things the best way possible. And there are many fears, frustrations, doubts.

I inject thoughts of serenity, positivity. Many are the times that fear dominates.
based humor and manage to survive many times.
A cat Mariloli, which appeared out of nowhere. A cat who has adopted us ... who behaves with each of us differently. If sunbeams shine this fall limp and left the porch to enjoy the warmth ... it appears there ... waiting to take our place to treat each of the three way different. A causes me to scratch him his white belly. A Papa rone to conquer. Once it sees that Mom feels ... he settles into his lap and try to sleep a good siesta. Medicinal Mariloli not know what his presence in our lives.

care among the authors of my days, the house, cooking ... I crochet. Achieving very childlike creations. Creations full of joy, brightness and color ... That is what I need. That's what they get my parents ... Also thanks to the internet I stay connected to the outside world ... with my friends, with the news yet ... Click, yew, mime, cook ... all .. ..

Sometimes it's so simple ...

If there is a world out there full of things important life-saving neurosurgeons. Economists, lawyers, politicians, bankers and others ... all of this if needed ... but they all have mothers and fathers who determined the final moments of their lives, they need attention, care, love and cuddles .... for what I see with my own ... that seniors with certain diseases have love, joy and pampering ... you can sweeten the disease and old age .... Yes. I am proud to do what I'm doing ... And do not forget anyone ... because nobody knows where the rest of his life ... and in this world so obsessed by control everything ... nobody can predict how it will organize the final ....

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cruising And Nj And Gay

Caracazo images and cause diplomatic reactions. Insulza is triggered, the OAS re-used to sell paper. Zapatero

Traces of February 29, 1989 were removed by the international press with torpedoes information reproducing excerpts from the statement of General Venezuelan Henry Rangel Silva. Venezuela is in the political objective of media pressure groups, and this new attack originated with the handling of an interview, helps us continue removing these evils of the abuse and trade press.
The peoples of Latin America recognize the anachronism of the OAS, the countries of eastern Africa and denounce the dictatorship aucratica Nations together. New or old these questions have blackmailed and "tame" our diplomacy and when not servile government discredit and criminalize it ..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Name Of The Parts Inside A Car

G20 humbly asks the entry of Spain. Order Zapatero speaks of its "diplomatic influence" and takes its toll by wars or mute support the military coup in Honduras

President Iberdrola's Zapatero lowers the euphoria of
ECONOMY. Ignacio Sanchez Galan, Iberdrola's chairman, has spoken from the Business Forum of G 20 on Zapatero's statements, which promised the creation of 1 million jobs in the energy sector.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Diy Zinc Plating Electrolyte

Zelaya denounced intimidation, kidnapping, criminal and media terrorism against FNRP Tea Party of Honduras

Ousted President Manuel Zelaya has asked the U.S. to "get their noses" in Honduras and stop intimidating its supporters grouped in the National Front Popular Resistance (FNRP).
Washington have blamed "tax and sustain an undemocratic and tyrannical regime (of President Porfirio Lobo) by force of arms."
In a letter to his supporters and released Friday by the FNRP, Zelaya asks: "When will you get (United States) their noses, their plans for counterinsurgency?, When will it end the U.S. Central Intelligence his intimidation, criminal and media terrorism against Popular Resistance Front? ".

Read more: # ixzz156edxoaQ

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Pregnancy Test Got Soft Negative

Made in Peruvian ... and a desperate electioneering parties

Dear compatriots:
Central vision does evil to live there in company info Lima in the cafes of the gatherings to change the country. But the real struggle takes place within the country. The left used to be divided to mantenr share power and negotiate has given way to a more modern version of utilitarianism ALGOR mentoring NGOs are now demanding from their subsidized and leftists who want change criollo turning point, but without disrupting the bowels of the corrupt power enthroned in state bodies, without changing the constitution, without re-found the republic and even more not to redistribute the wealth that now hear that equity between emprendedores.Quienes as ten Canseco mentions only the year 2006 as regards a unitary vocation, not to mention the principal actor c. Humala, leaves the following message in the box as 70, 80 you're welcome to view the statistics are relatively few that remain of this era, young people who want the change we think differently.
(Arlene Falcon)
division syndrome (*)

Setting Briones/30.10.2010

"Syndrome of the division" (that evil birth, the mania of the Peruvian left to take away divided by the straw) is one of the older cards right play to win 2011 elections. Knows the right service we can provide this "syndrome" and therefore, while a campaign of "psychosocial" against nationalist Ollanta and uses all means to inoculate the "virus of division" and lock processes united action.

Article right Elections wants ( The Republic 19/10/2009) , Javier Diez Canseco referred to the tragedy of the Peruvian left, as follows:
"Right, aware of the illegitimate and discredited political system (abuse of power , corruption and intrigue), to destroy the options for change ... blackmail aspiring options for change and encourage fractionation. Headlines for the divisions and conflicts. Silence unit efforts. Right, we know she overcrowded nomination unsuccessfully in an effort to move the "center", you need to divide the forces change, undermine their leadership and prevent the unit to shut options in the second round in 2011.
"And, as noted by Nelson Manrique few days ago, this operation seems to have an almost enthusiastic cooperation of forces that are defined by change. Some won by the idea of \u200b\u200bManifest Destiny, others risking a "political raffle (if any ...), and Fujimori could play the role of the division of the right script. Seems to have learned little from the lessons of recent history.
"29 years ago, in September 1980, he founded the United Left, learning from defeat, this year, left-wing forces that had been added (separate) first vote in the Constituent Assembly of 1978. 80 The failure of his way to the unit. In three years, IU won the Municipality of Lima to Barrantes and then led 50% of regional governments, one third of the municipalities and was the second electoral force 85.
"The unit proved to be a condition of progress and victory. But he had grown . Sectarianism, abuse of differences lack of internal democracy, the partisan cuoteo posts, old management styles earned governments, lack of programmatic and organizational renewal, horizontal treatment with grassroots organizations, women and youth, lack of awareness of being country multinational, the impact of terrorism hiker who pounded right and left and, above all, lack of will power and ability to put forward the change of Peru, we are led to the disintegration of the largest leftist America South. "
In 2006, an avalanche of change an opportunity reopened that was lost by a hair, but the lesson of unity and organization was low. "Consolidates the forces of change or it will be the right script ?"

To these reflections add these additional Javier, under my point of view as "non-partisan" United Left (IU):
"The victory in the municipal elections of 1983 and constitute the second electoral force in 1985, he showed Peruvian left the magnitude of their electoral power and social influence. This phenomenon was no accident was the result of the conjunction of a sense processing unit and will gestated within the Peruvian people over many years of struggle. The member parties of the United Left (IU) did not understand the essence or the significance of this historic event. Many years of domestic life marked by dogmatism, anti-democratic performance standards and deterioration of social ethics, partly explain this failure.
It was a paradox, the IU games were not only unable to incorporate into its ranks to new groups of adherents to socialism, but on the contrary, suffered the defection of dozens of militants . The universe of "non-partisans" was still the majority in the basic structure of UI, while the management bodies remained in the hands of the parties, transformed into scenes of petty infighting.
"United Left" would come to 1988 unresolved contradictions. The proximity to the elections exacerbated the internal strife and the break was consummated in early 1989, the First National Congress of IU. was lost a historic opportunity for government. The defeat of the Left in 1990 was catastrophic. Was the punishment that the masses gave their leaders for destroying something as precious as is the feeling unit and have thwarted their hopes for change, so long awaited for long years of struggle sacrificed.

In this "syndrome", Alfredo Bryce Echenique in Permission to feeling - anti-memoirs "devotes a scathing lines:
" ... all that left attached to would never be overcome and that the popular overflow and lack of credibility, shame and all, which left little road that time has erased, in vain search of a time irretrievably lost in fights and brawl and divisions thousand. Because the truth, I believe, never in history has been divided and split nothing so much as the Peruvian left. And, scathing title eg sandwich comes to mind is the story that a friend told me about one of these leaders, and always very leftist splinter it. De Santiago Pinelo name and name of fighting "from the trenches of the revolution, the whole pantheon, because each combat division and renamed the underground, the Santiago Pinelo that he inherited from his father a stake Club Regatas Lima, who became a member of this prestigious institution almost automatically. A few weeks later, I told my friend, I had the Race Club and Club de Regatas Lima Lima Rebelde, the result of a split in its origin, of course, was James Pinelo that, moreover, always left the meetings early, with the pretext that they had-yes, as I was told I utter: "I had an appointment with history. "

Awareness of this" syndrome "and root it is a task of this. Urgent to recover the sense of unity destroyed twenty years ago. This is an opportunity for activists from the old left, claimed to atone for his sins. They are not denied the right to build new parties, but nothing justifies it at the expense of discrediting others of the same field, to "wear a saint undressing Other" or thwart the rebuilding of the unit feeling generated from the effort of Ollanta Humala.

"Syndrome of the division is so lethal that it would be healthy to enroll in our new motto prophylactic flags: Without unity, no victory!

(*) Article November 2009, with slight alterations.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How To Make Gator Cakes

"Piñera up in the polls Jodorowsky calls the sea for Bolivia and controversy with the Nobel Prize

not mistaken the Chilean writer who takes his audience to share their concerns. Our friend Dr. AJ impact its reputation and as special guest among the writers who came to the International Book Fair of Chile had to raise his voice to lift the veil on some "taboos chauvinist" who are encouraging the delay of the letters Chile. For a Chilean who has lived in exile most of his life, it illuminates this special moment. His pragmatism should not go unnoticed but rather should be read as a public manifesto that exposes the arms of the world and criticized the flag raising virtual puppets that profit from the crisis in the world.

(The Nation - Chile) On Sunday, the national writer Alejandro Jodorowsky gave a talk at the station crowded Mapocho where is the International Book Fair.

And yesterday met with the press and referred to the maritime situation with Bolivia. "Make a gift to other countries would be the best act of sicomagia we could do," he said.

And the Nobel Prize (in Literature given this year to Mario Vargas Llosa) said that "the money they give you comes from the armory." Jodorowsky be presented tomorrow at the Theatre Caupolicán.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Why Do Octopus Die After Mating

Vargas Llosa Armando Uribe Echevarria, President of the Socialist Party of Chile in France. In the National Assembly of France - Tribute to Salvador Allende in Centennial

dangerous I have the privilege of closing this memorial on behalf of the Party of Salvador Allende, the Socialist Party of Chile. Privilege

dangerous because a lot has been said by all speakers who have preceded me and I avoid repeating them. Dangerous

also because the Socialist Party of Chile, which I represent in France is but the shadow of the Party of Salvador Allende, and the need to make it clear to you. Dangerous

finally, because I owe to the memory of Salvador Allende, on this anniversary, honesty and the truth about Chilean political reality today.

But before going there, let me return to the personality of Salvador Allende to remember two or three aspects of his political doctrine on which, in my opinion, never enough emphasis.

* The first feature you would like to emphasize is what patriotism should be called the constant testing which was, until the last moment, Salvador Allende.

The first thing is first and foremost interested in the Chilean context, the concrete reality verifiable, emerged from the history of that territory and the people who inhabit it.

living conditions of the people, which he called a doctor, were the underpinnings of his political commitment, "as they were, and the parallel is interesting, for this great French statesman, physician, too, George Clemenceau. In a speech in Parliament in 1937, just after the Popular Front victory in legislative elections, Allende proclaimed

"I think Chile is one big hut, in which only one patient, all the people de Chile. [...] What this town needs is a law that applies in its entirety, and go to the deep substratum of social ills, and once and for all end with the profiteering and speculation, and to break the government's indifference to the great problems of national interest subsisting in all its rawness, strangling the middle class and drives the country. "

This fidelity to the national interest as opposed to the interests of a sector of the population is undoubtedly a legacy of the French Revolution which republican ideas were introduced in Chile in the mid-nineteenth century by Santiago Arcos, who had lived with enthusiasm the revolutionary days of 1848 in Paris. Allende

reaffirmed in 1944, when he defines the ultimate goal the struggle of the left as "the conquest of the welfare and greatness of Chile." The left, as a representative of the people is the legitimate representative of the nation.

When you lose, no matter how little, the 1958 presidential elections, Allende continues along the same lines and in a Senate speech about one of the great themes of his campaign, reform, not as an ideological imperative, but as a need to which any party or any government can escape.

"I was particularly interested in being me, the candidate of the popular parties, who raised the country's agrarian reform. This reform is a social and economic unstoppable in the country. But always raised with the responsibility of the man who has studied, along with his companions, this matter: convinced that Chile's economy calls for land reform, with full awareness that the Chilean social reality demands. And therefore I have repeated ad nauseum, we're spending a hundred million dollars a year to bring food that we could produce. I saw the need for this reform because I know as a doctor, food deficits. "

Since then, economic independence and social justice became the leitmotifs of Allende and the Socialist Party of Chile.

During the years of President Eduardo Frei Allende denounced many times the weight of the United States, "now well-established in the 1964 presidential campaign, and the American influence of any substance that deprived the" revolution in freedom "that had been proposed to pursue the promising young Christian Democrats. When in 1970 reached the presidency of the Republic, Allende suffer severely, until the coup was the highlight event, the foreign presence that rose up against the general interest against the national interest. His death in La Moneda in flames is the final expression of the solid tie that bound him to the nation.

The second feature of the doctrine of Allende would like to stress, and attached to the first, is the unfailing respect for the law, defended it against everything and everyone. Is what led him to devise the revolutionary "Chilean road to socialism"-which was nothing of the ballot box, which seemed so dangerous to the Yankees in the context of the Cold War, but finally prevailed as normal in democracy from the 80 in Europe.

This leads me to say something about an idea that is evidence in any First World country, and yet it seems so difficult to understand or to perform in Latin America.

Contrary to what is usually heard under the influence of a persistent propaganda and easy, Salvador Allende's accession to power in 1970 accounted for much less at a rapprochement with the Soviet bloc Chile-step memory of the Soviet Union ran to relieve the government of Allende, that the approach of Chile, from an institutional standpoint, the countries of Western Europe.

Never before, nor ever since, "a government was so close in the country imposing the essential elements of what we could call a Republican Pact, ie an agreement among all political sectors of society to ensure public education quality, affordable health care for all, decent housing, in short a social minimum in the best possible quality to ensure the country's future, its development, enrichment and fulfillment of its citizens.

foreign influence, lack of patriotism or the lack of identification to a land, a people, one-story, made this possibility that Chile had to cross the cultural barrier, above all, separates First World from the rest of the planet, was lost.

today's Chile, after 17 years of ruthless dictatorship and 19 years of governments that manage, with increasingly difficult, a negotiated transition with the military and economic groups that supported them, that Chile, through a serious crisis.

A political crisis, first of all, he plays every game, without exception, from right to left: implode parties are split, expel, fractionated. New formations emerge, with no real backbone, parties "instrumental" as they say, which aims to bring to power some individuals without ideas, without convictions, without a program.

insist that this crisis reaches across the political spectrum, to the point that not only the leaders quarrel between them, so after all may appear normal, but whole sections of the parties, such as youth, do not feel represented by their addresses and oppose them or simply leave, leaving the parties.

On the right is a ruthless struggle for the conquest of power in the center right of the left is a political model, the Concertación, which seems not to work, to the left iquierda, is disorder , the dispersion in a multitude of factions, the inability to form alliances.

I said earlier that the Socialist Party, Allende's party, does not escape this crisis and remains frozen in a position where their constituents and their members are increasingly difficult to recognize as a socialist. As an example of what I say, let me quote some words:

"We have defended and defend democracy, but this does not prevent us note that Chile at this moment is mired in the deepest crisis in its history. This crisis is so deep that we cover all aspects: economic, political, institutional and moral.

We had no influence on the government, and act subordinate ministries, apart from any determination in the major categories of the national economy.

leave the government socialists when we saw the impossibility of developing a positive policy for the benefit of the country, the people, their working classes. We cease to belong to the executive when we realized that our power was barren and misunderstood and that our efforts were Arriagada by the economic right, which has continued to monitor the credit and finance. "

Who speaks? Salvador Allende in 1947, after the Socialists had withdrawn the second Popular Front government, that of Juan Antonio Ríos. Saving

proportions, striking parallel situations. And the net response, accurate, understandable, contributed to this situation by Salvador Allende and the Socialist Party then, contrasts in so brutal with the Socialist Party now confronted with similar difficulties.

The crisis is not only political, it is also economic. This is not the Chile of the major macroeconomic balances, "which is unfortunately the only compass of the economists who run the world," is sick, no. The economic malaise of Chile lies in the non-distribution of wealth, in the awful debt of households that pay for everything, including butter, on credit, with usurious rates exceeding 52%!

All that was privatization was privatized, everything is paid, beginning with education and health.

Education public is in a state of agony, students and schoolchildren were the last years on the street, and they are again this year, forced to occupy the premises of political parties to be heard. The Radical Party, the PDP were occupied and also the Socialist Party, for two consecutive times, by the Socialist Youth. Party leaders of Salvador Allende were content to call the police to his aid, sending the young militants to prison.

The current crisis is also a deep institutional crisis from the political crisis and economic distress of which I speak. The transition dictatorship to democracy was made in 1989-1990, with the express condition that the law established by the dictatorship and the prevailing economic model are conserved.

This agreement, concluded in secret, occasionally evoked even by those who reached him, was never published. Chile live it, with a Constitution as voted by Pinochet in 1980 in unacceptable conditions: during the dictatorship, with one million Chileans exiled by force, with tens of thousands in prison, with thousands of political and union leaders missing dungeons, no electoral lists, and through the state of siege, without constitutional guarantees.

Chileans still suffer unjust institutional order and national security laws is unacceptable in a democracy can be applied, such as those used to suppress the Mapuche people, which demands careful not prevent the government to imprison their leaders and even from a few weeks ago, imprisoning a filmmaker Elena Varela, for the crime of having shot a documentary about their struggles.

Chileans suffer, in short, the tacit, secret, which if due to the courage of the judges a number of soldiers were eventually brought to justice for crimes against human rights, the policy makers dictatorship, the ideologues and all the precious support of the military, "who supported the coup and justified all the betrayals and horrors-all, remain unpunished.

This constitutional and legal framework inherited from the military carries many other injustices of which I can not dwell here as denying the right to vote to Chileans living abroad (when we represent something like 8% of the population) or the electoral system, the famous binomial system, which ensures consistently right-wing opposition strongly represented in both chambers.

* Today we have to acknowledge the death of a political model, the endless transition a coalition of parties, the Coalition, I extend yet see itself at risk of disappearing in a storm that could trigger uncontrollable at any time any of us, whatever our views or our political choices, could wish.

As responsible citizens we must take matters into our hands and call all forces in the country to demand a new constitutional charter which guarantees equally to all Chileans, regardless of their social origin, a future.

solemnly call here in this place we have invited our French friends, and would like to thank very warmly the presence Henri Emmanuelli and Jean-Paul Huchon, "in this place, I say that is symbolic of the Republic, in the name of the memory of President Salvador Allende supreme renew the covenant of free citizens, asking for emergency meeting a Constituent Assembly.

I said.

Monday, October 25, 2010

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Piñera apologizes for phrase left in Germany guestbook

Sebastian Pinera Chile's President called on 25 apologize for any interpretations that might arise from a phrase written in a guest book of the German presidency, which bothered to Berlin to paraphrase the words of a hymn sung in the Nazi period.

"I had no awareness that this sentence could be linked to a dark past of this country, so sorry and I ask the appropriate apologies, "Piñera said a public act Santiago.

The president explained that" he wrote in his book a statement of gratitude and appreciation for what Germany had done for Chile concerning the earthquake (27 Feb.) and the rescue of the miners. "

Piñera said that" a sentence added at the end I had learned and repeated many times in my days as a child in the decade of the 50 and 60, in the Divine Word College (Santiago), which was "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles', meaning 'Germany, Germany above all' and that comes from the German reunification in times of (Chancellor Otto von) Bismarck ".

The phrase written in guestbook Germanic office last Saturday under a state visit caused unease in the Christian German President Wulff, according to the newspaper today appropriated Germany "Süddeutsche Zeitung".

The commotion caused by the interpretation of the words of the Chilean head of state also caused a public clarification of the Chilean foreign minister, Alfredo Moreno, who insisted he was merely a greeting without further connotation.

Piñera visited Germany as part of a European tour that also looked England and France. (Xinhua) 26/10/2010

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CUBA: The Latin American block sold for lentils ... Human rights and freedoms of the EU review and HAITI CUBA cases

in Luxembourg will begin the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the European Union, the English Minister Trinidad Jiménez which opens will ask for the release that is applied against Cuba. For experts the move will encourage the English PSOE worn to assert as a spokesman for Latin America within the Union. Some of the troubles is wise because Javier Solanas (former head of EU foreign) would have prepared using the same "popular" Aznar stressed the lock. For Spain, the sign is positive political and diplomatic interest but also for growth abroad, telephony, tourism, banking, petroleum, and communications are strategic items English. Despite the failure of the English neo-liberal model "socialist" are also Zapatero requiring a sort of "sponsorship" to accompany the "unstable" democracies in Latin America. Recent topics like the plague epidemic in Haiti and strengthen the road map accompanying the Minister Jiménez that exploits their experience of their passage through the Office of Spain Ibero-America.

UNASUR The consensus had been a significant contribution to open a path of negotiations between the EU and Latin America, but the anarchy of states for the signing of the FTA did not know how to handle a pace conducive to Cuba or its neighbors .. .

aid of Spain in Haiti, as announced today, is 10 million Euros. A new wave of "ER , festivals and fundraising funds are already beginning to prepare " scavengers " the world to "help" Haiti ... ------------------------------------
save memory

By Miguel D'Escoto
October 24, 2010. United Nations Day. Since I left my position as President of the UN General Assembly on 14 September 2009, I have been working on a proposal for a reinvention of the Organization of the United Nations. That proposal will be introducing soon.
I am one of those convinced that now more than ever the world is United Nations a real need to unite us all peoples and governments of the world in defense of the right to life and all the other inalienable rights of individual human beings and humanity as a whole, of all living beings general nature and Mother Earth. What we have now by the United Nations is a fraud, a sham, is a big lie because there are those who have endeavored to twist it beyond any possible reform.
And I say this because it is clear that within the organization have a Member State, the most influential, rich and powerful military, which has successfully persuaded other Members, especially the so-called first world, to work for a radically different agenda to the agenda of peace, respect and harmony among all Member States, while respecting their sovereign equality the Charter entered as its first principle. This Member State acts as master of the Organization and its "negotiations" are nothing more than threats, retaliation and massive smear campaigns could only be described as media terrorism.
For United Nations to become a real organization would require that all Member States, and particularly the most powerful and influential, they were really committed to world peace, eradication of war, famine and poverty in this world. These, after all, were the objectives for which the United Nations was created and, in signing the Charter, Member States pledged to devote their best efforts to achieve these purposes.
For over thirty years, at least, it is known that the eradication of hunger and extreme poverty is no longer an unattainable utopia. It has the resources and scientific and technical knowledge to do so. The only thing lacking is the political will to live in brotherhood, love each other and being provided to meet the demands of human solidarity. We would need also to be political will to meet the demands of respect, love and care for all living things and our Mother Earth.
believe that there is no doubt that most of the world's peoples yearn for peace and consider it the supreme good toward which we work. However, there is, as we have said, a state for which the highest good, which gives reason to their existence, there is peace, but power. A domination and crushing power could only be described as evil, because there is no means, however violent and criminal is that this State, commonly called simply Imperialism, is unwilling to used to achieve its goal of Full Spectrum Dominance (Total Spectrum Dominance), name given by the Pentagon's own military strategy to gain control of the entire planet and beyond. This obviously is a goal that others had tried before, without ever achieving it. According to the Pentagon itself, the agenda of this objective is to control everything and everywhere, including sea, land, air and even outer space and cyberspace.
When it comes to this kind of insane ambitions, it is difficult to prevent that come to mind memories of events as reprehensible and evil as all related to Hitler, they can never be sufficiently condemned. However, it is no exaggeration to say that Hitler, with all the evil he did, he could not have caused much damage to mankind as the United States already has caused and is causing exponentially to the point of jeopardizing the continued the human species and most life on Earth. U.S. and NATO allies are a thousand times more dangerous and reprehensible than Hitler himself.
Therefore, it is still difficult, however desirable it is, imagine an America different, integrated with the rest of the human family, working for peace and security in the world and doing everything possible to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty on this earth, being that they are the main culprits. And, besides, of course, we would like to see a United States also seriously trying to respond effectively to climate change, global warming and ecological problems of which they have been among the main causes. But we must ask, how long should we continue to expect the United States and its allies continue to make up and stop acting as enemies of humanity, life and Mother Earth?
The essential evil of the Empire is not something that was, by itself, just like that, as if by accident. It was premeditated decided by the chief architects of the policy of containment of the Cold War, with George F. Kennan, Director of Policy Planning Section of the Department of State, to the head. In an internal document on foreign policy, 1948, classified as Top Secret, he makes a summary of what should be the main objectives of U.S. foreign policy while creating the Empire of the Post War became known as the American century. Kennan's thesis, eventually declassified, it was chillingly clear. Selfishness and greed were officially enthroned, while international solidarity was characterized as an extravagance to the priorities "more serious and important" of the moment. "We need not delude ourselves that we can now afford to altruism and to act as benefactors of this world." With these values \u200b\u200band standards to be expected that the United States always behaved as an enemy of the values \u200b\u200band principles embodied in the UN Charter.
Yes, the planners of the new foreign policy of the United States were well aware of the fact that, at this point in history, the word imperialism had become politically repugnant and, therefore, the architects of the order Post-War global US-controlled, conscious and explicitly chose to ignore the word empire in reference to the new order. The alternative chosen by the United States was camouflaging its imperial power under the guise of "liberating" colonial, support for "democracy" and "free-market." As William Engdahl says, world-renowned expert in international relations and author of several bestsellers, "this maneuver was one of the most effective and devilish propaganda coups of modern times."
We can not afford to continue fooling. United States could have signed the UN Charter but never shared his principles and values. Peace has never sought because needs of the war as a means to achieve their Full Spectrum Dominance which now extends into outer space and cyberspace. United States has never believed in the rule of law in international relations, has always believed in the law of the jungle, ie the right of the strongest. Has never believed in the UN, only wanted to manipulate and, from his position as a Member State in the Organization's most influential, has always blackmailed and threatened if not accompanied on their genocides like the one committed against Nicaragua, and continues today committing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
With its unique apparatus and washing media influence brain, the U.S. now the world psychologically prepared to accept an attack on Iran with the same logic as it did against Iraq and Afghanistan, made of natural resources and ever closer to Russia is and always has been, its main objective. The arrogance of empire does not pay sufficient attention to possible consequences of their adventures. With all due respect to Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran is different. If Americans have failed in Iraq and Afghanistan - the less they can against Iran and the consequences of this new criminal venture could be disastrous, not only for Iran and surrounding countries, but also for the whole world. Something similar would happen if the U.S. accepts no doubt the principle of one China and remains committed to his folly of dividing to eventually fragment.
It seems to me that has come when, as the great African intellectual, Ngugi Wa Thiongo oo, decolonizing the intellect, taking us out domesticating ideas like that that we need the United States as slaves needed slave to his executioners. The truth is that the United States will need as much as we need to arsenic. Enough of denial, not wanting to face reality and call things by their name.
The United Nations are truly United Nations since the positions of different Member States of the Organization are not equal with respect to the vital issues of war and peace, hunger and poverty, climate change, global warming and nuclear disarmament and respect for the law the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all States. The United States, the most influential country in the Organization and more systematic violator of all its rules and principles, has a position diametrically opposed to the vast majority of Member States. Its main partners are the United Kingdom, most European countries and Israel. The main weapon they have for imposing his will in the world is NATO. By allying with the United States all of them have also become enemies of Humanity, Peace, Life and Mother Earth.
From my point of view, as a religious and follower of my Lord Jesus of Nazareth, I am absolutely convinced that America is under severe demonic possession. The world is undergoing a truly apocalyptic. Possibly not the first, but it could be the last, due to the huge and unprecedented destructive power of the beast and the apathy and apparent indifference and cowardice of those who claim to be believers in God, and debiéndose unite to organize a strategy effective resistance, do not. We should all humbly acknowledge that President Fidel Castro, World Solidarity hero is the great prophet and moral and spiritual leader in the world today. Your thoughts are truly inspired and inspiring. On October 15 we are warned that the collateral damage in a nuclear war today would be the life of humanity. And, allowing my Lord Jesus speak through him, Fidel urges us: Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that serves to make the war must disappear! Fidel Thank you for your courage and example of life!
all these reflections are that led me to say, in concluding my term as President of the General Assembly that the UN has reached a point that not enough reform and patches. It has to be reinvented and as a contribution to this urgent task of reinvention to which I have devoted the past two years. The proposal I make a personal capacity as president of the UN General Assembly, under my full and sole responsibility, and as a person interested in peace, the eradication of war, hunger, poverty and mistreatment of our Mother Earth without which we can not live. The values \u200b\u200bwe stand for and that all my life I have argued, are the values \u200b\u200bof my Lord Jesus who, in essence, I find it absolutely compatible with the values \u200b\u200bof my sisters and brothers Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, Aymara, as with all religions of the world's richest and ethical-philosophical traditions such as Marxism, for example, that promote good relations between all living and suffering.
If you ever (God all things are possible) the United States decides, in fact, return to the human family and as proof of this, dismantling NATO and its more than 1,000 military bases scattered all over the world, be seriously in the process of abolishing nuclear weapons, demilitarization of outer space and put an end to genocidal wars of aggression, cease its criminal harassment against Cuba, suspending the blockade and releasing the 5 Cuban heroes, I'm sure everyone would welcome and would receive him with open arms into the heart of the human family because what motivates us is neither hate nor the revenge is only love and the desire for universal brotherhood. God bless them and return peace, security and happiness to our world.
I think it's extremely urgent that we put to work in the reinvention of the UN to be truly an organization that, and not subject to any pattern, rich and militarily powerful it is. Personally, I have tried to answer the State trust Members put into this humble servant in electing its President of 63 session of the UN General Assembly, reflecting over the past two years and exchanging ideas with people who seemed the most qualified to help prepare a good and viable proposal to reinvent the United Nations and make it an effective instrument in the struggle for peace, the eradication of war, hunger and extreme poverty on Earth. A United Nations truly democratic and demilitarized. With humility and great love, soon we will be presenting its latest version on our website:
Upon receipt the proposal would have to act soon and take note that your acceptance or rejection should be made between the heads of State and Government. Forward for analysis and work from the Permanent Representatives to the UN would expose it to sudden death to be caught in the vast web of procedural rules as those for "reforms" whose sole purpose is that nothing changes. Regional business groups of heads of State and Government of the members of the Group of 77 + China, could be achieved relatively easily and quickly enough to submit it for approval by the General Assembly once again secured the votes of the Group of 77 + China to which I am sure many others will join.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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"the sadistic premature fascist" against Alberto Nolia

Release Date: 10/20/1910

Aporrea reading several articles I meet one of Ms. Susana Khalil, who strongly criticized the journalist Alberto Nolia for their particular language. Some time ago this man was removed from the programming channel VTV channel heads, Blanca and Yuri Pimentel Eckout by differences in style. Chavez's reaction was resounding, as with the departure of Walter Martinez and induced many people asked that these two gentlemen were reinstated in their jobs. It was a long time and finally placed in front of the screen on channel 8. What are the psychological reasons, semantic or war cries that explain the tuning of these two programs, one at 7:30 pm and the other at 10:00 pm? I am not a public defender of those two characters because they are fit enough to do it but I do recognize that there are strong reasons for many people to see and enjoy Chavez's speeches and their analysis. Indeed we should not denigrate the physical condition of the people but that can be corrected with a simple conversation with Mr. Nolia and use their knowledge of political history many dark characters killer and the opposition lackey, that's all. I do not think any misogynist Nolia is pretty disgusting and I think calling it "ejaculatory sadistic fascist," especially coming from a lady that they were therefore placed in the same level of aggressiveness.

We are in a war front where the international media mob throws draculiana full force against our president and accompany the process, insulting him, calling him a dictator, monkey, mad, pataenelsuelo, black shit and other derogatory epithets to which he does not answer for his humble spirit. Every day that God's people, the country's TV, vomiting their lies and insults against everything that smacks of progress Chavez and to defeat poverty and ignorance that opposition mob, murders and lackey, he hates the poor and lower middle class, are classy and if returned to power there would be a slaughter against all of us who support Mr. President. We are in a "warm war", I can think of the term, as well as espionage and dirty war, have killed more than 220 farmers (for the war on large estates) and young people who had a dream Bolivarian homeland. We live under threat in all areas of social life and they dream to kill Chavez and thousands of his followers.

In this scenario is to get the knife Alberto Nolia verbale who expresses rage in millions of Venezuelans who we are hit by abuse their opponents in the media, the judiciary and police forces dominate regional and municipal mayors and governors fascist opposition. The latter remain poisoned every day to thousands of compatriots who never awaken political consciousness and socialist and swallow all the hate that these media were inoculated cuaima. We medially against the wall and all the ministers of information we have had have been a fiasco driving the channel VTV that the sovereign does not give chance to express their anguish and relevant reports. And President has repeated several times, we have a "bad, very bad" communications strategy to counter the opposing rogue. Nolia is just a tiny spear facing these people stateless. To moderate his language a bit but go ahead. I do not think that is no fascist or reactionary, these ratings will go very well with the traitors who trespass against us every day.