Friday, December 31, 2010

Do You Get Results From Zumba


Well, another year ends. And thank goodness!

We live in a time hard to grasp. There have been many social, political and personal. Sometimes digest it all costs. We are entering a terrible wave of pessimism. In almost every country in the world have been many sad events, serious and terrible. They have been very few really good news. For example, the 33 families of Chilean miners. Families who have recovered his breath Renaissance their husbands, sons, brothers and friends. A story that still moves me to remember.
is difficult to remain optimistic when everything you send out messages very terrible: the number of unemployed increases outrageous, economies that do not totally recover, totalitarian regimes do not hear the voices of democracy, families torn apart by a perpetrator or a terrorism, natural disasters, there are many problems ...
think that because it ends this year is the time (like every year at this time) to the list of wishes and resolutions for the coming year.
I've always been a faithful practitioner of these small, personal rituals of good luck. But this year I decided to include something important. The gratitude rather than desires.

If GRATITUDE ... Amid this wave of pessimism we think a few minutes before complaining. Yes, I miss certain things, if I have many things to solve yet. Yes. But it is also true that I have many, many things that millions of people around the world lack. I have a house that I bundle up your child from the cold and heat. I have food in my fridge, I have clothes to wear. It seems that something as simple as a major has lost much appreciation on our part. Do not forget that there are many people who are losing their home do not have anywhere to go. Sees people only covered by a blanket of despair torments him so cruel. Wars, famines If I tell the millions of people worldwide who do not have a tenth of what I have, I must confess that I feel very lucky. AND THANK YOU FOR IT.

Someone taught me that one of the keys to success, prosperity and good relations with my environment is to practice gratitude. The universe thanks to the grateful people. Yes, heartfelt thanks. The same one that teaches us to appreciate everything we have. The Light in our eyes. Health that allows us to live, walk, move and love.

The list must begin by thanking and remembering all those who are not as fortunate as us.

Now on with the desires, the amulets.

And here let one of my favorite charms: The Maneki Neko ...
That brings good luck. HAPPY



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