Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Standard Width Of Hallway


recently remembered the word. No matter how corny it sounds I remembered a dream I had. It lay hidden and forgotten in some corner of my brain for many years, perhaps since childhood. I could not remember its meaning. I confess that I turned the dictionary.

A. Extreme patience.
B. Greatness of mind and perseverance in adversity. Kindness, mercy
C. Long endure insults, slander,
problems and difficulties.
D. Quality of self-restraint under provocation, that does not take hasty retaliation and punishment
is the opposite of anger and is associated with mercy.
E. Is said to be one of the characteristics of God.

This word appears several times in the Bible. It occurs to me to mix all these definitions and I realize you have a high spiritual and emotional. Is a word that just use and run times with all types of crises, we should remember more often.

I realize that I had too much of this word in recent times. Perhaps everyone should have a little more long-suffering in our lives ....


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