"Madness is the diamond of lies, what happens when you become and determining that as crazy as it sounds crazy ... what is around me or I have. Supposedly it's like when you shake your head ... when you miss something or somebody. "
" Madness is something that is affecting me very much, for revenue to hospitals and asylums. But there are good and bad in some places. The society looks at us wrong. But friends and family are always there to help. "
" The folly or ill, that is just shit (misery, offal, repudiation).
"All humans have symptoms madness or mental illness to a greater or lesser extent. The madness in itself an outbreak usually starts very strong positive symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, believing you a celebrity or fictional, unrealistic views, constantly hear voices in your mind differently. When the outbreak began we have had prodromal warning as distrust, apathy, poor hygiene, feel observed and a chain of symptoms which would lead to the outbreak.
With medication we make these symptoms go away and start again with a clear mind, as I said earlier some symptoms such as distrust, feeling self-conscious, apathy ... these are what many of our Similar to a lesser extent not coming to disrupt the individual, also people are angry and are aggressive without being mentally ill, we are not usually aggressive mental patients. "
'Health luck, love, money, peace and happiness. "
" I wish that the entrance to the new year is comfortable. I give away many things. Out of here and meet with friends and family to share holidays, including Christmas, New Year and Epiphany and a bit of everything. Money, Health and Peace of Mind ".
"I want peace in the world who do not have so many wars. Also the economic crisis be resolved and that there is so much unemployment, but also that more people active."
"My wishes for the year two thousand eleven are that conflicts are settled, get out of the global crisis dragged, that capitalist countries to help people who are dying of hunger and disease underdeveloped countries in which control and have medication.
want my teammates to get a mental stability, further research on mental health and there is more budgets for this and comfort of the areas of psychiatry. And continue to ask me my disease in check, my family and friends flourish and, above all health in general. "
" By 2011 there desire simplicity, tranquility, wellness, well future prosperity. "
" Well, would be free to go live in a rented house, there are. I know a nearby apartment for rent for 450 euros which I think is well priced. Yes I think I reach with what I charge, then you can live in a village, and there is peace and happy Merry Christmas. "
" I want to heal and be well to assist in my house with a decent job that I like or with the help of my family and the area of \u200b\u200bmental health .
Texts written by the members of the workshop blog (people admitted to mental health external area of \u200b\u200bTenerife) and paintings by users of the paint shop.
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