Monday, February 28, 2011

Funny Names To Write On Halloween Headstones

My experience of madness

Here you have a new partnership Diana, this time gives us his vision of what "Madness" for her.

"I was driving and suddenly I had been my idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the madness, its meaning ... (my personal experience but just people who read it can be reflected in the written ).
For me it is an extreme, powerful, urgent, an attempt by man to get rid of belief systems or established mental patterns, taxes, either by ourselves or abroad. ; That makes us feel as limited beings when our nature is not.

When a person enters a state psychotic shows, so we could say literally, that to which we cling to, what we are deeply attached and that it collapses, it expires. It literally shows the mental idea we have about it. The mind expands and shows what they think, or what has been "forced" to believe. The person, therefore, in the psychotic state feels a tremendous fear for what is perceived, not understood but which threatens your world, a world that is assumed to be real but it is not in its literal sense. Hence the feeling of loss of identity, confusion, death ...

The more the person will resist change, stronger and more powerful the outbreak. Also, the stronger the outbreak, the more strength you have, tell us, from outside, clinging tremendously, we are attached to this idea in its literal sense to the person lives.
therefore those accompanying persons experiencing these episodes have to be extremely caring, compassionate, and also be the anchor point of the sufferer, and that at times you may lose all reference . The duration of these episodes, one from outside can not do much (except to remove the person with medication).

When we distance ourselves, not to identify with what we perceive to be as powerful, when we see the subtlety, which implied that process brings, when we see the symbolic, the metaphorical there it is when we release that we neurosis, is when we understand that state and renewed, feeling lighter, freer of conflict, transformed. This is the work once the person has left the crisis and to have the desired outcome for health professionals and patients should be a collaborative work. Only patient has all the information, only the patient knows all its reality, but may lack the tools that make you stay in balance. That's where it enters the professional's work.
(Well, the idea came to me was a feel but wanting to express it is still not widespread and is reflected all that want. In fact the words do not do much, and if you try analyze much in the end get more confuse than to clarify.)
I wanted to pass down this idea and thought that the same is a good idea to share it. So if you somehow think that would be good to reflect it in the blog, I am free to do so. For that we are, to work and try to help within our means.
A hug! "

text introduced by Caesar M. Estévez (Mental Health Nurse Specialist), written by Diana (Expert in Mental Health)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Inspirational Quotes By Latinos

prosecutor Letter Radio Nicosia

This is a letter from Christopher Francisco Fabrega, Prosecutor of the Section for Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Office of Jaén: An exercise approach to the struggle and aspirations of people with mental illness, a statement against the injustices that fall on this group, a call to the sanity of a society that ignores and despises the fool because.

During the last few weeks has really hit down on Wall Jumping. Do not want to fan the flames of the controversy on the net about an item probably not malicious, but it has lifted a curtain of prejudice we thought overcome within the health system.

And it hurt us to contemplate the landscape, making more aware of the need for a firm and constant struggle, a non-negotiable and tenacious defense of the rights of persons with mental illness.

And we have found relief in these words ...

"I know what people say about me because I can not hide the bad reputation that I have, even among the most foolish. But I'm the only one, yes, the only one, when I want, I laugh at the gods and men. And proof of this is that as soon as I started talking to this large audience, your faces are lit by new and unaccustomed joy. You smoothing the frown accompanied your applause with a hearty laugh and nice (...) I have seen just appear, you have been drawing a new face. Kind of like when a new bright sun shows its face to the earth, or when a spring, driven by a soft breeze, renew the face of things, it gives them a different color and gives them back their youth. With these words, the humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam in The Praise of Folly was that it was submitted. In the nineteenth century German poet Heinrich Heine said: "The true madness may not be anything but the very wisdom that, tired of discovering the nakedness of the world, has taken the wise decision of going mad." And Pinel, considered the great liberator of the madness during the French Revolution added: "Citizen, I am convinced that these madmen are so intractable just because they have been deprived of air and freedom." undoubtedly pleasant visions of the mentally ill that you know that do not correspond with reality. Much tougher, much less pleasant. Enrique González Duro commented at the beginning of his book "Memoirs of a Madhouse" which has its passage through the psychiatric hospital in Jaen and the problems faced in our province the introduction of what then was called "psychiatric reform", which if we ask people in the street on the mentally ill what he really thinks of the mad, the answer would be more or less this: "The crazy I'm afraid, sorrow or disgust. The truth is that I do not worry, they bring me not care. But better not to see or smell. I passed as the Moors and gypsies, the farther the better, do not come to annoy, do not bother, to be removed in the middle, that locked up, as always has been, in a separate place, a site closed, where they are not seen or heard or smelled, where they can be forgotten: Crazy people are from elsewhere and must be in another world. "
I remember when I was a young student of the first courses of law, I had the opportunity to attend a conference that the madness (and called themselves) was held at the headquarters of the CNT of Granada. In those years, early 80's, was beginning in our city psychiatric reform and the call was a certain social unease about what was supposed to "let the lunatics out into the street." Perhaps because it gave me no time to have dealings with the world of mental health, to attend those days. González Duro They gave a lecture on the experience of Jaén. After she opened the floor for questions and ask me if I thought there was madness. His answer was that, medically, the madness does not exist, there is mental illness and logically the mentally ill. I remember many times that answer. Mental illness is an accessory, like any other disease. Personhood, dignity and freedom, carries innate values \u200b\u200bthat inform it, is most important, the substantive. The patient suffering from a mental illness is, above all, a person, a human being. My mate Fernando Santos has an interesting anecdote that reflects what we mean an old prosecutor files a complaint of disability and the defendant goes to his office to be told why. The old Attorney after receiving the person who seems completely lucid and able, studying the documentation and informs: - Oh sure! Are you schizophrenic paranoide.Y the good man replied: - Excuse me, Mr. Prosecutor. What I am is a plumber and, sometimes, I get sick. Illuminating anecdote.
Let us add that the personal development of human beings knows no bounds. A person with a mental illness also known. For only put a few examples of what Vallejo-Najera called "crazy egregious" that are mainstays of our cultural and historical memory: "In art the painter Vincent van Gogh, psychotic and had to be admitted to the hospital of Saint-Remy .- In religion San Juan de Dios, Juan City who, after being admitted to a lunatic asylum in Granada, founded the Hospitaller Order which bears his name after checking conditions treated allí.-mathematician John Nash, Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994 for his theory of balance, which was admitted several times due to his schizophrenia and whose life inspired the movie "A Beautiful Mind" won several Oscars, and well as reflecting family and social support, and can afford to live a life completely normalized Mozart enfermo.-musician, suffers from depression and many other virtuosos of the music. Artists, saints and scientists. Mentally ill. People. Men and women can get where they want with a little support and understanding. Humans
with the primary right and we all that, surprisingly, is not enshrined in our constitution, even if it is in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence of the United States July 4, 1776: the pursuit of happiness. It is symptomatic that the first European to be the psychiatric hospital of Our Lady of the Innocents in Valencia, founded in 1409 by Fray Juan Gilabert Joffre, commander of the Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, after seeing some young people made fun of a poor patient of insanity. Are no doubt innocent people with the same capacity as others to be happy or unhappy, and they need the support against the barriers imposed by their illness.

From Protection Sections for People with Disabilities has long called Andalusian associations concerned and the family be given the right opportunity. This is not going to solve everything, not have all the answers, nor will the problem disappear. We all know that mentally ill people need medical treatment, but also a profound social intervention, and why not, a strong legal protection of their rights and risks that legal and social life, their situation generates. We have very clear maximum of Hippocrates for physicians: "If you can heal, cure, if you can not cure, palliative, if you can not soften, listen." Kant said that the madness (and sorry to use, once again, a word loaded with negative connotations) is the replacement of common sense by sense. Why is it so difficult to understand and we even get so scared. But to understand we have to listen to those who live and suffer the problem. We have to approach them. Closer to your struggle and your desires.
finish now. I want to do with a poem by Bertolt Brecht, no doubt we all know and who calls us to intervene when there is still time for people who are at risk as a way to save ourselves:
"First they took the Communists, and I said nothing because I wasn'ta communist. Then they took the Jews and I said nothing because I wasn'ta Jew. Then they came for the workers, and said nothing because there was neither workers nor sindicalista.Luego interfered "with the Catholics, and I said nothing because I was protestante.Y when they finally came for me there was nobody left to protest."

text introduced by Esther Sanz (external area clinical psychologist mental health), written by Christopher Ruiz Francisco Fabrega, Prosecutor of the Section for Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Office of Jaén.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tile Shower Doorless Design

Seminar: healthy insanity in its purest

gives us great joy to announce the seminar, at the hands of the Official College of Psychologists of Tenerife and the Faculty ULL Psychology, will present the next March 1 in the Aula Magna Guajara Campus of the University of La Laguna two prominent members of the Nicosia Radio collective. Entry is free as the venue. We leave
information act and the Nicosia Radio project.

Nikosia Radio consists of some 45 voices, once a week take over the radio dial Contrabanda in the Plaza Real de Barcelona. There are 25 people, sometimes more, who meet to shape the attempt to speak of madness from the voice that suffer, so let go of the possibility of an underground type of policy, some militants from the margin, finally, here is reinvented as a kind of catharsis that opens new doors. Nicosia Radio chides madness, questions, takes refuge in it, eject, redefines, places it in the place of normal, hugs, living with her and her whims, the suffering. It is a full cross-radio station by people with different types of mental problems, people who seek to communicate and communicate as a strategy towards deconstructing the foundations of their own suffering. Radio Nicosia came
inspired Colifata, that station run by patients who work 18 years ago inside the Hospital José T. Borda of the city of Buenos Aires. The main objective of this first initiative was to carry out therapeutic work from the restoration of the network and individual assessment of internal speech, as a way to work in health as or more efficient than the implementation of hospital the same devices. The task of the radio focuses on reconstructing and personal identity (as a person) of each patient in a rescue that is carried through the recovery of speech, of the appreciation of the particularities of each statement and its vehiculización to through
means of communication.
Perhaps most interesting about this radio is not so much his birth, but the fact that even those 18 years past continue to sound from the hospital and has been installed facing the company and to Argentina's health system as an effective tool in level of awareness and public awareness and at the same time, as a device of proven therapeutic value to specific results in the continued well-being of patients.

yet, and no apparent expiration date, each Saturday in the hospital courtyards meet between 20 and 50 patients (some specifically for returning externships radio) that coordinated by Alfredo Olivera, a psychologist and director, along with a multidisciplinary team of professionals, start up the station. This is the moment that we all work beyond their physical walls and symbolic of the institution.
For its part, Radio Nicosia is the result of a reworking approaches theoretical underpinning to the radio broadcasts. A reworking that sought to adapt the experience to a different cultural context in which the mental health field had different structural characteristics and so-called
users were involved in a logical one, with regard to your need. This reprocessing and the circumstances and specific dynamics of the experience led to the emergence of practices and conceptualizations of their own.

Excerpted from the doctoral thesis of Martin imperative Correa Urquiza " Radio Nicosia: Rise of lay wisdom (OTHER PRACTICES, OTHER TERRITORIES TO THE MADNESS) "

Participants: Joan G ª Olera, Raul Velasco.

Seminar Program (subject to change).
Part 1:
- The radio as a vehicle in the fight against stigma . Madness in the public square or the necessary institutionalization.
The need for open spaces beyond the dimension / Clinic: The new "social territories listening." The dismantling of the symbolic burden of oppression weighing on the madness, the re-semanticization (or suspension semantics) of the categories that embody oppression.

- Experiences and identities, self archaeologies.
The need to critically rethink the whole concept currently revolving around the idea of \u200b\u200binsanity. to create space for the construction of subjectivity, one that can generate not only a new corpus of discourse on madness but the transformation of the self who says it.

- Documentary: "The reverse of the tapestry of madness."
"The reverse of the tapestry of madness", a film that stands out as the first documentary that exposes different perspective of the "madness", as they are the same people who have a mental diagnosis those conducting interviews with various professionals from mental health, media and social environment of Barcelona.
Led by Adriana Leira, Besné Viviana García, Elena Martín, and Zuzanna Uribarri Wejman Alberdi, "The reverse of the tapestry of madness" is presented as a documentary film that invites viewers to create their own opinion demystifying an atmosphere full of contrasts, on the meaning of "madness" in today's society, "society accepts claims and actual" madness "?

-recovery lay wisdom.
Who is this "other." The notion of subject, the "other" mental health. Work outside the notion of disease. Who we deal with that "other." Rethinking the links. The approach from person to person.
vertical Leaving the patient-professional monologue to enter the field of symmetrical dialogue between complementary expertise.
The downgrade of the bonds, to a shared development of therapeutic corpus.
A real empowerment.

Part 2:

- What lies beyond the Nicosia Radio? ( innovative experiences in the field of mental health.)
networks, roles, connections and identities.
Communication as a starting point. Working with the community.
The stigmatization in the hands of those affected by stigma. Theoretical derivations from the Theatre of the Oppressed (Boal.A)
The experience of the radio broadcasts. first station to transmit from a psychiatric hospital. Logic of action. The beginnings. The voice that manages to cross the walls of the clinic. Working with the community. The feedback necessary.
Nicosia Radio Experience. Barcelona. Itineraries
, achievements and setbacks. Tools and frameworks.
The beginning, fear and archeology that subjectivity.
The need for community complicity. Working with mass media. Working with institutions.
The difficulty of the recipes absolute. The case to case. Situation to situation.

César M. Estévez (mental health nurse specialist)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Women Shaved Privates


Today is that day so commercial use of many to sell and other As you love to communicate.
I like to have a day of love ... Why not? But I also confess that I would love to be manifest in many other ways, every day of the year.
have to have a heart for many things. Not just to love your mate.
have to put love in many things: your work (if available). Although perhaps the majority do not have the ideal job and enjoy it. In these times we must be grateful if you have a job. From personal experience it is hard to deal with work that you do not like. But I also learned that despite love it if you put a lot of things are smoothed.
must have love for your friends. Ultimately they are the ones who are always there for you. And if You need not have failed you, the best gift you can give is "all your love"
The love of family. And yes, I know. There are families and families. But as far as I am concerned I have had parents who showed me (since I came to the world) beautifully unconditional love and generous. What better gift to give all my love at this stage of your life that need care and affection.
And love partner? Well, this is the most difficult to describe. Although I have no such love in my life, I've been with both hands and I do not regret a second of it has been given. And no doubt reappear at the moment is appropriate.
For my part I have so much love inside me that I do not hesitate not a moment to show it and share it (in the form of pampering, scolding, laughter, silence to listen to my loved ones) and especially feel it in everything around me. There are many forms of love and have to live in the same way that I breathe and I move.
May every day be filled with love.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hallowen Costumes With Crutches

The flag number six, The Alienist and The Hospital of the Transfiguration's Workshop Blog

have recently fallen into my hands three books, geography and ancient times, which, however, beyond a superficial reading, messages containing essentially overlap.

Tsarist Russia, colonial Brazil in the late nineteenth and early months of World War II in Poland, are the scenarios in which framed the experiences of three men engaged in psychiatry in environments oppressive and unjust, which end up being an essential part of their own processes of transformation.

But one thing ...

Ward No 6 is a narrative written in 1892 by A. Chekhov. The aforementioned flag is the dilapidated building and a miserable rural hospital which is home to rare wild with the village.
The narrative takes us into the routine and hopeless life of Dr. Andrei Efímich Raguin and its relationship with Ivan Dmitrievitch, held in the psychiatric ward number six is \u200b\u200bsuffering from a persecution mania, with the arrogant and brutal Nikita, keep the flag, and some of his countrymen and contemporaries.
The main character, stoic philosophy-loving intellectual, missing the existence of anxiety in people and believes that the society we live in is sad and penniless. Only one person will be able to dazzle you with his eloquence and fascinating view of life: Ivan Dmitrievitch, one of the inmates in this inhospitable place.
The outcome of story is announced by a leading doctor stark sentence: " My illness is just that in 20 years I found more than a smart person in the whole town, and this is a lunatic."
The author ends the story with a disturbing but inescapable final and loyal to the plot: " Now everything, even the genuine interest of my friends dragged me to one thing only: to my doom. This is the final and I have the courage to admit it. "

The Alienist by Machado de Assis is not only a fun book, besides possessing a subtle humor and clever satire of the genre scene of nineteenth-century colonial Brazil, but a brilliant metaphor for many of the absurdities of psychiatry, confusions and miseries. This story shows in its few pages a summary of the main concerns are not externalized Machado de Assis: identity, the separation between normal and abnormal, the struggles and political overtones, the marriage relationship, friendship, social concerns money, status.
's work in its central line, it is graceful and simple: a Brazilian doctor, graduated in Lisbon rejects the proposals of being a doctor of the court or a university professor to return to his hometown and to engage in scientific study and experimentation. His specialty is psychiatry. In order to study and remedy the ills of madness, a mental construct, Casa Verde, in the most beautiful street Itaguaí and fifty windows are opened, painted green on each side of the building. With the grant of the City and payment of boarding wealthy, began the great work begins, as expected, with the detention of any person acting out any sign of abnormality. These limits are extended and there comes a time when virtually the entire population should be hospitalized. Hence, the psychiatrist, the sage Bacamarte Simão, concludes that the abnormal is normal, and releases the first intern crazy to sane cases. The ending left it in the air, but what else could make all collapsed Simao saw his theories?

HOSPITAL The Transfiguration is the first novel by Stanislaw Lem, unpublished until now in Castilian, a devastating piece about the Nazi occupation of Poland. Completed in Krakow in September 1948 and set in the early months of the invasion of Poland by the Nazis, The Hospital of the Transfiguration tells the story of Stefan Trzyniecki, a young doctor who finds employment in a psychiatric hospital located in a remote forest, a place that seems "out of the world." But little by little, madness is leaking outside the walls of the hospital. A series of sadistic doctors, co-Trzyniecki, atrocious experiments are given to the mentally ill in the facility, while the Nazis, who combed the woods in search of partisans, decided to convert the hospital in an SS hospital. Lem, one of the undisputed masters of twentieth century European fiction, this novel evokes all that is monstrous in the human spirit
In the Throughout this story, the protagonist, through contact with various characters, like the beautiful and mysterious Dr. Nosilewska or Sekulowski poet, began an accelerated learning vital reminiscent of the protagonist of The Magic Mountain, Mann. But when the SS troops pursuing a partisan approach to hospital events are a cruel twist ...
Sekulowski says in one of his long talks with the doctor:
"- do not know more about our body on the star more distant, "the poet whispered.
" Come to know the laws that govern ...
"And it turns out that most of the biological theory have their antithesis. Scientific theories are a true psychic gum.

Apart from the enjoyment of these three readings, I'll stick with these and other questions:
- where is the boundary between the different and pathologically different?
- Who put that line?
- science is omnipotent? we are professionals?
- what we improved in the field of mental health and what remnants of last drag?
- have we made so much progress as we strive in evidence?
- are the errors and injustices of the past an issue settled?

Text by Esther Sanz (Clinical Psychologist Mental Health External Area Tenerife).
Much of the data for this entry have been collected items Lizardo Cross, author of the blog From the insane asylum. From here my appreciation for their work and a greeting. We await your prompt return to the blogosphere.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Edible Arrangements, Military Discount


KMW "In the past it was a very happy girl and had many friends. I liked to go to the beach and rollerblading. It was a good student and wrote a lot, as now. I liked that he was, was very outgoing, I found it easy to make friends, talking to everyone. He had a very pleasant life. Today I hate my life, I am admitted to a psychiatric facility and it is easy for me to relate. Lately I have had an income after the other and have been pretty bad. Tomorrow, I hope to be out of here with all my papers fixed. I hope to be with my boyfriend M. I get a job, getting my driver's license and live a happy and peaceful, but more important not to fall back. "

A." I was very nervous small, always crying for any nonsense , broke a bottle in the school, all children started screaming, 25 cents and if I had repeated the 25 cents charged to you by the teacher. Back in high school who came to see old cars, smoking, taking drugs, the girls went with them ... so I started smoking marijuana. Paid no attention to the teachers until they threw me and I went to work and grow up I want to start again, being young and start working and not return to drugs. "

" Yesterday was problems, today and tomorrow I have problems I will have problems so we stopped being friends because problems here, and is not have nothing. A fandango, that you are. Good riddance. "

" I miss not having made my life with this feeling of darkness, with this inability to perceive life as something positive or pleasant. I would have liked to be more attentive and kind to my peers.
Today, now, I fable. I'm surrounded by good people with whom to share good feelings and understanding. I would like for the future that my life will settle down properly, I could have friends to cheer and kind and believe in God. I think I should be able to access often talk to people around me to find out what are our different problems for a solution and implement a tool for therapeutic philosophy. Thus, we will be happy. "

RS" Yesterday, I always think about yesterday, but now I'm getting used to living in the present, I feel I am recovered and I do well in life. I be myself and I can take good care until ready to trust in me that I already do, I apologize for having taken a year-end binge and grab things that are not mine, sorry, I'm an independent and now I believe and I know I will later. I do not know what happens, high in the ura, ura, ura. Some auxiliary treat me badly and I want everything otherwise. Do not tell me I'm wrong. I am improving by leaps and bounds. Today and always respect the people, and I will help what I've always wanted to be: a good friend.
The future looks promising and I want to see my family, love. Especially my dog \u200b\u200band my father. Anita is very kind to me and I love him a lot.
I have bipolar disorder, is chronic but I know I'll make it and I'm doing and I will. I just need love, especially love my family which is what I love most in the world. Family, friends, colleagues and people who have supported me as you have done, Esther. Thank you very much. "

"My yesterday was cruel, black my childhood but full of fantasy, but panics, fears, complexes that led me to wake up a disease when I left my studies to do what one guy did that age. Everything was great, was the girl I wanted, I spent every night of celebration but, but, I started using drugs and alcohol, so I ended up disrupting so I left the army and went straight to the office of a psychiatrist . I could not believe he had a disease, thought more spiritual damage or that the devil had gotten into me.
the time and I did not change and everything nice for that change had become a nightmare and catastrophe happened that nobody expected and I'm here recovering from a manner of speaking, I say that in this day to be happy, but I have achieved the goals I wanted. I feel more than ever. without dependence without madness day added to my decompensation stabilized, sharing and living what I never thought about that yesterday she would live.
My morning I wish it were better, I do not mean to be rich, just ask to be healthy and correct many defects that once marked and are now reflected in my character, I do not clog my life but there are things I'd like to see change.
In my maturity I know that I will not end the dreams I had in my childhood, but this life has taught me that dreams are possible at times seem like miracles and not getting what I believe can be true because while there is life today and hope my resignation and patience will know good and satisfactory. Prepared for the obstacles that lie this life but taking them with great maturity. "

" For small I liked to draw. I was in school art and crafts Santa Cruz de La Palma and had three prize drawing. Was typing. My first job was in a customs agency. And he notes costs then head out to collect them. After I left and started working as a carpenter with a brother who had done things like carpentry and hangers to win something for a movie. "


"My grandparents were very old and just met them, I have a distant memory, I remember going to his house and take my brother in arms and try to learn how to whistle, my brother was six months and gave us candy, were poor and very good. "

"I always went my father, my mother and my brothers and I stayed with my grandmother. She would grab a coffee and bread, broke it in half, fill it with sugar and coffee and then threw him in half and gave me I said I was good, do you like?, and I said yes ... I said the guardian angel was with my parents and my brothers. "

"My grandparents were, because they are already dead, but always remember, because the way they were wise, wisdom given by years and experience.'ll Always remember my grandmother and my grandfather embroidering near her smoking in your pipe tools talked about everyday things. "


A." My first kiss was nice, auque was the result of inexperience, but always remember it as something nice because it was the result of candid innocence and awakening the desire of new feelings. "

Texts written by the members of the blog workshop we conducted in the subacute and rehabilitation units active External Area Mental Health Tenerife.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wedding Powerpoint Subjunctive Spanish

Resilience ... "Resiquéee? Redirecting

since by definition it is not:
Resilience is the ability of an individual against adversity, to keep on fighting, with doses of perseverance, tenacity, positive attitude and actions that advance against and overcome current.
E. E. Chavez Yturralde (2006)
Resilience is a dynamic process which results in positive adaptation in situations of great adversity.
Luthar (2000)
Resilience distinguishes two components: the resistance to destruction, that is, the ability to protect its own integrity under pressure and, moreover, beyond endurance, the ability shaping behavior positive life despite difficult circumstances.
Vanistendael (1994)
resilience has been characterized as a set of social processes and intra-psychic possible to have a "healthy" in half insane. These processes are performed over time, giving lucky combinations of attributes of children and their social and cultural environment.
Rutter (1992)
Ability to rise from adversity, adapt, recover and reach a meaningful and productive life.
ICCB, Institute on Child and Family Resilience (1994)
The art of overcoming adversity with his feet on Mother Earth.
Jorge Montoya (2006)
generic concept that refers to a wide range of risk factors and their relationship to the results of the competition. You can be the result of a conjunction between environmental factors and temperament, and a type of cognitive ability that some kids even when they are very small.
Osborn (1996)
human capacity to cope with life's adversities, overcome and even be transformed by them.
Grotberg (1995)
Resilience means a combination of factors that allow a child to a man, face and overcome the trials and tribulations of life, and build on them.
Suárez Ojeda (1995)
Resilience is a global response in which are put on protective mechanisms, which is understood not contrary to the valence of risk factors, but that dynamic that allows the individual to emerge stronger adversity, in each specific situation and respecting personal characteristics.
Infante (1997)
Personally I prefer a more homespun, resilience would be a mix between strength and "flexibility" staff enables us to adapt, overcome and even "grow" with setbacks that lie existence.
and Mental Health this term becomes more important every day especially when we know that this capacity can "work" as explained in the website of the American Psychological Association:

relations "It importanteestablecer good relations with close relatives, friends and otraspersonas important in your life. Accepting help and support of people Quelo want and listen to you strengthens resilience. Some personasencuentran to be active in community groups, organizacionesbasadas in faith, and other local groups will help provide social support to hope yles. Helping others who need him tambiénpuede be of benefit to you.
Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable -Ustedno can prevent the occurrence of stressful events occur, but sípuede change the way you interpret and respond to ellos.Trate to look beyond this and think that future chips will improve. Note any subtle ways in which sientamejor, while facing difficult situations.
Accept that change is part of life -husband to result in an adverse situation is not posiblealcanzar certain goals. Accepting circumstances can not change can help you focus on circumstances that you can alter.
Move toward your goals -Desarrollealgunas realistic goals. Do something regularly that allows moversehacia their goals, even if you think it's a small achievement. Instead deenfocarse on tasks that seem unable to achieve, ask yourself ADVISED things you can do today and help you walk in ladirección to which you want to go.
Take decisive actions -EnSitu adverse act in the best way we can. Take decisive caboacciones is better than ignoring the problems and tensions, and hope they disappear.
Look for opportunities to discover himself -Muchasveces as a result of their struggle against adversity, personaspueden learn something about themselves and feel they have grown personally algunaforma. Many people who have experienced difficult situations tragediasy have expressed have improvement in the management DeSUS personal relationships, increased personal strength auncuando feel vulnerable, feel that their self-esteem has greatly, a more developed spirituality and greater apreciaciónde life.
Nurture a positive view of self- develop confidence in their ability to solve problems and trusting your instincts helps build resilience.
Keep things in perspective -Auncuando is facing very painful events, try to consider lasituación that causes tension in a broader context, and mantengauna long-term perspective. Avoid blowing the event out of suproporción.
Never lose hope -A visiónoptimista you to expect good things to happen in your life. Tratede visualizing what you want instead of worrying about what you fear.
Take care of yourself -Presteatención to needs and desires. Quedisfrute an interest in activities and find relaxing. Exercise regularly. Caring unto itself helps keep your mind and body ready to take asituaciones that require resilience. Additional forms
defortalecer resilience might help him. For example, algunaspersonas write about their thoughts and feelings profundosrelacionados with trauma or other events estresantesen their lives. Meditation and spiritual practices aSome help people build relationships and restore hope.

Undoubtedly resilience is an interesting concept to be back recurrently in this blog since it goes hand in hand with the recovery process, integration and creation of "life projects" by those who bet with resolve.

César M. Estévez (Mental Health Nurse Specialist)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

David Baldacci Wish You Well Chapter Summaries


is a term that always amazed me. MARUJA BE ... Maruja ...
I have not looked at any websites or any dictionary definition of "being a housewife" "marujeo" etc ...
So I'll just write my personal impression. Maruja
A woman is fully engaged home: husband, children, parents, other relatives who may live in the same nucleus, cooking, washing, ironing, scrubbing, go to the Web, shopping, errands and always cheerful. There are days when the "Molly" has no desire or breathing, but still gets up early in the morning and performs its function. Those working outside the home only "housewife" occasionally on weekends or during holidays. But of course they are not housewives. Pay a person to marujeo for them.
I have another "gateway" to marujeo and anyone who shamelessly gossip. No matter if you account is true or not. Indeed, in many cases dealing with "decorating" a little the message when transimitirlo. Surely he feels he must relay that "marujeo" for the good of humanity.
who follow my blog or knows me, knows that 4 years ago do not work because I am fully dedicated to caring for my parents. By this I mean that four years ago ALL THAT I AM A QUEEN MARUJA.
's when I realized how hypocritical we are with that term. NOBODY WANTS Maruja, BUT ALL WE EVER marujeo.
As is the crisis, even if you have to work away from home ... will be very difficult to pay someone to do marujeo functions for us. And
unabashedly despise all those people that ho and b, touched, or touches us, Molly.
do not think that if you have to housewives at home, is a bad thing. As long as you cultivate an inner world. As long as you continue to have concerns. If you just lock yourself in washing, ironing, cooking, seeing the junk programs, gossip and thus judge, then you get into that side of marujeo terrible and miserable. There's a whole world out there. And if you happen to be in eastern marujeo ... nothing happens, but we must cultivate and grow internally. This is just the marujeo at home.
But I realize that there are more types of marujeo. In the professions, in the works. Maybe that's the most hurtful. And they are precisely the people of this world the most critical of the homespun marujeo. Why are we so
double standard things? Oops! This is a topic for another entry.
Yes, now I play housewife and caretaker of my beloved Dad (aka Taliban, Young children, Antony and Cleopatra ... etc.)
What ?????????????????? ????????????????
Sea for whatever reason, everyone at some point we make in our lives housewife (unless you belong to a European royal house of course)
So let yourself in shit and put your feet on the ground .... There is a housewife within each of us.
Happy life!