Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wedding Powerpoint Subjunctive Spanish

Resilience ... "Resiquéee? Redirecting

since by definition it is not:
Resilience is the ability of an individual against adversity, to keep on fighting, with doses of perseverance, tenacity, positive attitude and actions that advance against and overcome current.
E. E. Chavez Yturralde (2006)
Resilience is a dynamic process which results in positive adaptation in situations of great adversity.
Luthar (2000)
Resilience distinguishes two components: the resistance to destruction, that is, the ability to protect its own integrity under pressure and, moreover, beyond endurance, the ability shaping behavior positive life despite difficult circumstances.
Vanistendael (1994)
resilience has been characterized as a set of social processes and intra-psychic possible to have a "healthy" in half insane. These processes are performed over time, giving lucky combinations of attributes of children and their social and cultural environment.
Rutter (1992)
Ability to rise from adversity, adapt, recover and reach a meaningful and productive life.
ICCB, Institute on Child and Family Resilience (1994)
The art of overcoming adversity with his feet on Mother Earth.
Jorge Montoya (2006)
generic concept that refers to a wide range of risk factors and their relationship to the results of the competition. You can be the result of a conjunction between environmental factors and temperament, and a type of cognitive ability that some kids even when they are very small.
Osborn (1996)
human capacity to cope with life's adversities, overcome and even be transformed by them.
Grotberg (1995)
Resilience means a combination of factors that allow a child to a man, face and overcome the trials and tribulations of life, and build on them.
Suárez Ojeda (1995)
Resilience is a global response in which are put on protective mechanisms, which is understood not contrary to the valence of risk factors, but that dynamic that allows the individual to emerge stronger adversity, in each specific situation and respecting personal characteristics.
Infante (1997)
Personally I prefer a more homespun, resilience would be a mix between strength and "flexibility" staff enables us to adapt, overcome and even "grow" with setbacks that lie existence.
and Mental Health this term becomes more important every day especially when we know that this capacity can "work" as explained in the website of the American Psychological Association:

relations "It importanteestablecer good relations with close relatives, friends and otraspersonas important in your life. Accepting help and support of people Quelo want and listen to you strengthens resilience. Some personasencuentran to be active in community groups, organizacionesbasadas in faith, and other local groups will help provide social support to hope yles. Helping others who need him tambiénpuede be of benefit to you.
Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable -Ustedno can prevent the occurrence of stressful events occur, but sípuede change the way you interpret and respond to ellos.Trate to look beyond this and think that future chips will improve. Note any subtle ways in which sientamejor, while facing difficult situations.
Accept that change is part of life -husband to result in an adverse situation is not posiblealcanzar certain goals. Accepting circumstances can not change can help you focus on circumstances that you can alter.
Move toward your goals -Desarrollealgunas realistic goals. Do something regularly that allows moversehacia their goals, even if you think it's a small achievement. Instead deenfocarse on tasks that seem unable to achieve, ask yourself ADVISED things you can do today and help you walk in ladirección to which you want to go.
Take decisive actions -EnSitu adverse act in the best way we can. Take decisive caboacciones is better than ignoring the problems and tensions, and hope they disappear.
Look for opportunities to discover himself -Muchasveces as a result of their struggle against adversity, personaspueden learn something about themselves and feel they have grown personally algunaforma. Many people who have experienced difficult situations tragediasy have expressed have improvement in the management DeSUS personal relationships, increased personal strength auncuando feel vulnerable, feel that their self-esteem has greatly, a more developed spirituality and greater apreciaciónde life.
Nurture a positive view of self- develop confidence in their ability to solve problems and trusting your instincts helps build resilience.
Keep things in perspective -Auncuando is facing very painful events, try to consider lasituación that causes tension in a broader context, and mantengauna long-term perspective. Avoid blowing the event out of suproporción.
Never lose hope -A visiónoptimista you to expect good things to happen in your life. Tratede visualizing what you want instead of worrying about what you fear.
Take care of yourself -Presteatención to needs and desires. Quedisfrute an interest in activities and find relaxing. Exercise regularly. Caring unto itself helps keep your mind and body ready to take asituaciones that require resilience. Additional forms
defortalecer resilience might help him. For example, algunaspersonas write about their thoughts and feelings profundosrelacionados with trauma or other events estresantesen their lives. Meditation and spiritual practices aSome help people build relationships and restore hope.

Undoubtedly resilience is an interesting concept to be back recurrently in this blog since it goes hand in hand with the recovery process, integration and creation of "life projects" by those who bet with resolve.

César M. Estévez (Mental Health Nurse Specialist)


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