Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tile Shower Doorless Design

Seminar: healthy insanity in its purest

gives us great joy to announce the seminar, at the hands of the Official College of Psychologists of Tenerife and the Faculty ULL Psychology, will present the next March 1 in the Aula Magna Guajara Campus of the University of La Laguna two prominent members of the Nicosia Radio collective. Entry is free as the venue. We leave
information act and the Nicosia Radio project.

Nikosia Radio consists of some 45 voices, once a week take over the radio dial Contrabanda in the Plaza Real de Barcelona. There are 25 people, sometimes more, who meet to shape the attempt to speak of madness from the voice that suffer, so let go of the possibility of an underground type of policy, some militants from the margin, finally, here is reinvented as a kind of catharsis that opens new doors. Nicosia Radio chides madness, questions, takes refuge in it, eject, redefines, places it in the place of normal, hugs, living with her and her whims, the suffering. It is a full cross-radio station by people with different types of mental problems, people who seek to communicate and communicate as a strategy towards deconstructing the foundations of their own suffering. Radio Nicosia came
inspired Colifata, that station run by patients who work 18 years ago inside the Hospital José T. Borda of the city of Buenos Aires. The main objective of this first initiative was to carry out therapeutic work from the restoration of the network and individual assessment of internal speech, as a way to work in health as or more efficient than the implementation of hospital the same devices. The task of the radio focuses on reconstructing and personal identity (as a person) of each patient in a rescue that is carried through the recovery of speech, of the appreciation of the particularities of each statement and its vehiculización to through
means of communication.
Perhaps most interesting about this radio is not so much his birth, but the fact that even those 18 years past continue to sound from the hospital and has been installed facing the company and to Argentina's health system as an effective tool in level of awareness and public awareness and at the same time, as a device of proven therapeutic value to specific results in the continued well-being of patients.

yet, and no apparent expiration date, each Saturday in the hospital courtyards meet between 20 and 50 patients (some specifically for returning externships radio) that coordinated by Alfredo Olivera, a psychologist and director, along with a multidisciplinary team of professionals, start up the station. This is the moment that we all work beyond their physical walls and symbolic of the institution.
For its part, Radio Nicosia is the result of a reworking approaches theoretical underpinning to the radio broadcasts. A reworking that sought to adapt the experience to a different cultural context in which the mental health field had different structural characteristics and so-called
users were involved in a logical one, with regard to your need. This reprocessing and the circumstances and specific dynamics of the experience led to the emergence of practices and conceptualizations of their own.

Excerpted from the doctoral thesis of Martin imperative Correa Urquiza " Radio Nicosia: Rise of lay wisdom (OTHER PRACTICES, OTHER TERRITORIES TO THE MADNESS) "

Participants: Joan G ª Olera, Raul Velasco.

Seminar Program (subject to change).
Part 1:
- The radio as a vehicle in the fight against stigma . Madness in the public square or the necessary institutionalization.
The need for open spaces beyond the dimension / Clinic: The new "social territories listening." The dismantling of the symbolic burden of oppression weighing on the madness, the re-semanticization (or suspension semantics) of the categories that embody oppression.

- Experiences and identities, self archaeologies.
The need to critically rethink the whole concept currently revolving around the idea of \u200b\u200binsanity. to create space for the construction of subjectivity, one that can generate not only a new corpus of discourse on madness but the transformation of the self who says it.

- Documentary: "The reverse of the tapestry of madness."
"The reverse of the tapestry of madness", a film that stands out as the first documentary that exposes different perspective of the "madness", as they are the same people who have a mental diagnosis those conducting interviews with various professionals from mental health, media and social environment of Barcelona.
Led by Adriana Leira, Besné Viviana García, Elena Martín, and Zuzanna Uribarri Wejman Alberdi, "The reverse of the tapestry of madness" is presented as a documentary film that invites viewers to create their own opinion demystifying an atmosphere full of contrasts, on the meaning of "madness" in today's society, "society accepts claims and actual" madness "?

-recovery lay wisdom.
Who is this "other." The notion of subject, the "other" mental health. Work outside the notion of disease. Who we deal with that "other." Rethinking the links. The approach from person to person.
vertical Leaving the patient-professional monologue to enter the field of symmetrical dialogue between complementary expertise.
The downgrade of the bonds, to a shared development of therapeutic corpus.
A real empowerment.

Part 2:

- What lies beyond the Nicosia Radio? ( innovative experiences in the field of mental health.)
networks, roles, connections and identities.
Communication as a starting point. Working with the community.
The stigmatization in the hands of those affected by stigma. Theoretical derivations from the Theatre of the Oppressed (Boal.A)
The experience of the radio broadcasts. first station to transmit from a psychiatric hospital. Logic of action. The beginnings. The voice that manages to cross the walls of the clinic. Working with the community. The feedback necessary.
Nicosia Radio Experience. Barcelona. Itineraries
, achievements and setbacks. Tools and frameworks.
The beginning, fear and archeology that subjectivity.
The need for community complicity. Working with mass media. Working with institutions.
The difficulty of the recipes absolute. The case to case. Situation to situation.

César M. Estévez (mental health nurse specialist)


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