Mental Health Services to invest
< p > Presentation by Esther Sanz (Clinical Psychologist)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Smart Bus Roseville Mi
RECOVERY roles: the professionals are not crazy
The texts below are the personal opinions of some of the users of our units (subacute and active rehabilitation) on the work that professionals live with them day to day conduct. We have been faithful in the transcription of their writing but have decided to maintain the anonymity of authors and omit some names subject to criticism.
"I take a very long process in this hospital by my illness and legal reasons. At this time it has changed my mind. That's what I told my old psychiatrist ... slowly I was psyched that my illness had to be treated with medication for life, since my first outbreak thought I was not sick and I saw my psychiatrist as an enemy. And I've realized that all they wanted to do was to help specialists and they got it, because today I am a stable patient with my faults as well as specialists, they are human. I do not mean the judgments about their profession, as my psychiatrist, I have shown in everything they say they are very well qualified.
When I walked into this center had no clinical psychology, after the years has come true with a very nice psychologist sessions which gives us help in conjunction with our medication. I would say in that aspect as we have come overnight. Yes I had a psychologist who helped me with relaxation therapies, but nothing compared to how well we come clinical psychologist.
humans, assistants and nurses, and to be lengthy internment for my circumstances, I have had misunderstandings with some, but I reckon it was, say, my fault. Well
quotes, existed in me positive symptoms (hallucinations, delusions) and although there were people ready, I had these symptoms to the surface and concealed.
There were those who considered me a normal person.
not blame anybody anything, I'm glad my time here and as this for me has been my home for over a decade I thank everyone in general knowing they are delivered to us, patients with all the professionalism and care they can. "
" My thoughts about my health educators, psychologists, nurses, auxiliaries, etc. it is very good, except some nurses, but everything else very well . I think it's all said, I insist that I'm some nurses with evil intent and did not find any explanation, and also included a classmate. "
" I think these state employees: psychologists, physicians, nurses, aides, housekeeping, cooks, gardening, etc ... do things the best they can, according to their talents or conscience. They can not do much, but you can take a problem that you stumble. "
" I think all the experts are doing a great job but I've asked things and I do not confirm anything, be it I just still can not talk about it. Moreover, the auxiliaries, the psychologist and psychiatrist rather, they are working well mostly because they do it very helpful to me in my recovery, I think it can be absolute. "
" The psychologist speaks clearly of all things and our illness, etc. . The doctor treats us very well, that neither the hospital treated me so well. I am proud of the doctor that I have, the doctor told me I will give a supervised home although I have to wait for this party because he has said things important to my health. Esther is very nice to my heart. The auxiliary well in every way. "
" The doctors are good professionals. Nurses and assistants are good people because they help us and I think everyone in general are good professionals. And the psychologists are trying to help us as they can. In two words are good. "
" I do not know well my doctor. I do not know what will and sometimes I doubt any of it. When I ask him to listen to resolve my personal problems answered me with no time and has many patients who attend. On the other hand is a person who sometimes shows a personal look cheerful and hopeful, very positive to help. Not everyone can be perfect. My psychologist Day Centre is for me very important, very positive and receptive, is democratic and it helps me just to see it. My other hospital psychologist is kindly affection. It is democratic, modern and instills confidence, although this should be even more redundant. Adjuncts are all generally good people with a turn, help us all and are respectful. "
" From my psychologist might say it's very good professional. My psychiatrist who is very hard for a woman to smoke a cigar in the bathroom I took the permission of the four because I was with colleagues for a ride. We'll see if I can come out later ".
" I think the psychiatric hospital professionals are good in general. Although there are differences between them because of their character. For example there is a monitor that is always pissed off, because it has to be in control of everything. I think my psychiatrist is not a bad person. Of the nurses think that their work does sometimes be a bit authoritarian, because otherwise it would be a loss of control ".
" I am a person I think that medical care would be better in every way and psychologists and psychiatrists have to improve because you have a lot of attention to them, there are many doctors who sometimes do not ignore us and not have to be. Of hospital physicians think that would have to be more vigilant, what happens is that I am a person who does not know how to express myself talking ...".
Texts written by the members of the workshop blog (users of the area external mental health) and introduced by Esther Sanz (clinical psychologist mental external area).
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Physics Games For Ps3
review of Bipolar bipolar
article introduced by Rosa Montero Esther Sanz (Clinical Psychologist Mental Health External Area Tenerife)
This is an article about what Rosa Montero considered a truism: evil and mental illness have nothing to do. But the obvious is not easily permeate our society when messages alarmist and lurid flood the media. Cris says
Radio Nicosia, in the program's window Cadena Ser (you can hear by clicking on the link to add it to the end), something like that man is afraid of himself, which is more comfortable place aberrancy, load out and make the madman with the weight of all that we do not want to take as our own.
I wonder if in fact the evil is only one chance in thousands, a desperate choice or not, a further feature of the human being stripped of their humanity, an exit to nowhere or to obscure and dark places.
And, although be afraid, would be more fair to acknowledge that evil can be anywhere, in small quantities when compared with kindness, but anywhere ...
few weeks ago, a young man threw the Madrid subway routes to a girl who lost a leg as a result. A terrible and frightening event that has been aired ad nauseam in newspapers. From time to time happens in our country and aggression, a serious incident caused by a person with mental illness. If you review the files, it could verify that these violent acts are rare fatally. But so saturated for so long the media would seem that crazy misnamed constitute a major threat to our society.
The reality, however, is quite different. Every day, supposedly normal people commit horrible acts of various kinds: men who beat their wives to death, burning alive thugs beggars and immigrants parents who viciously abuse their young children, pedophiles who abuse children; thugs who kidnap and beat up foreign and forced into prostitution ... To mention only some of the many atrocities that happen everyday in our society. As in Spain there are 800,000 people with mental health problems, it seems that the percentage of violent acts committed by this group is very small compared to the crimes of other citizens.
Please do not add grief, our prejudice, suffering acute mental illness. Psychosis is a serious and chronic condition, but well treated and well integrated into their environment, patients can live a normal life. The trouble is that these circumstances, good treatment, good integration, there are few times, just because society and degrades rejected because it prevents them from being people. Input, we call them crazy. Or schizophrenia. Or psychotic. As if there were more than that, as if the disease had eaten all his being, destroying his personality. However, if someone has a malignant tumor that we do not say it is a cancerous, but a cancer patient. That's the first thing to get: respect for the sick person, that has not disappeared, which still exists behind his illness, his will, his dignity, his intelligence. If society is more respectful to the mentally ill, no doubt they would respect themselves more and be more supported and motivated to continue treatment for fight against evil, self-love and care.
Parents of these patients (and especially mothers, because men often throw in the towel and go home) know well the state of abandonment and helplessness in which they are both patients and their families. Of course we need more day centers, outpatient services where patients can receive medication and some socialization. But that, though aid is not enough. Not enough parking during the day in isolated centers and special to entertain themselves doing manual labor. Make an effort to change our mindset and stop marginalizing the mentally ill. For failure to stir up the specter of fear, as every time an incident occurs, and offer a real possibility of social integration. There are some organizations such as the formidable INTRAS Foundation, which promotes re-educated professional and reintegration of these patients. And in 2002, was launched in Spain REdES interesting project, which is to provide employment for people with chronic mental illness in the area of \u200b\u200bnew technologies. Since then, three patients, Mamen, Edward and Lucy, are dedicated to creating and maintaining web pages. Regularly take their medication, have developed their ability to live together, are well integrated in the world and are bright, competitive and efficient in their work. They are, in short, whole persons, whether enfermas.INTRAS, networks and other such international initiatives show that the true integration of the mentally ill is not a dream or a story proactive and sweetened. Since then, the process is not easy and not just because it is a serious and complex disease, but also and above all, by the thickness of our prejudices, ignorance and indifference of so-called normal. To change society we must begin by changing yourself: for example, not use the word crazy thoughtlessly. And do not forget that behind the disease still exist people. "
Clicking on this link you can listen to Radio Rosa Montero and Nicosia in the program's window Cadena Ser
article introduced by Rosa Montero Esther Sanz (Clinical Psychologist Mental Health External Area Tenerife)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Urine With White Floaties
Alejandro Hernandez This title presents a "roadmap to family and friends affected by bipolar disorder learn how to deal with this disease to improve their quality of life. "
The interest of this ingredient book is the condition of bipolar disorder affected the author, which in a simple manner and from a biologist position, is breaking down the usual components of a psychoeducational program: definition of the disorder, types and subtypes, manic and depressive episode, other features episodes, diagnosis, medical treatment, medication, psychotherapy, self-help groups and psychoeducation, morbidity, suicide, prodrome, what to do ... In conclusion, Alejandro includes a story called "Love bipolar."
From Jumping Walls, despite disagreeing with some of the conclusions drawn in this book, which can result in a somewhat reductionist view of mental illness, we offer our congratulations to Alex for his example of personal growth.
Text by Esther Sanz (Clinical Psychologist Mental Health External Area Tenerife).
Friday, January 7, 2011
Open Knee Brace Vs Closed?
Silence please
few days ago we had a very special meeting.
D. had been in contact with us after Wall Jumping encounter by chance while surfing on the Internet. And after a brief exchange of emails we decided to meet to shape a proposal for collaboration with our units D. we asked.
discovered during our little meeting a girl full of vitality that only a few months ago went through a personal experience that led to a short admission to an inpatient unit brief mental health.
Though my words can not describe nowhere near the wealth of their experiences, D. I explained how her life had shifted in recent months, during which he had undergone a process of inner growth, self-seeking, new discoveries ... emotional turmoil that marked a change of position against itself and against the world itself.
Here you have a text D. wrote after admission and has been sending the details:
Quiet please
"Without optics, each to interpret according to their optical and everyone will be able to get to be balanced at all times and not become socially excluded, because after all nobody wants to be alone.
I believe in me, what my heart tells me to believe, I believe in my intuition. Everyone should believe in himself first and foremost because if you do not believe you're getting carried away by others. That does not mean you have to be stubborn home, the listening is very important, but always listen carefully, always appreciate what is good and tells you if your heart believe it accept it with caution until your heart, experience show you it was.
I've been through "madness" and "death" and have been reborn. My whole being has given a twist and every turn is more calm and quiet. Now I do not need to interpret things from any perspective to understand, interpret simply unjustified.
When justified? When I try to explain to people around me. So now I am at that point. So saying I am a baby. Babies can not speak, so they are silent and only produce sounds that have meaning but we do not understand their language. Then extrapolate that what myself. Now I'm at that stage, silent phase. And the "sounds" that emit only understand which are babies.
So what touches me now is learning to speak in my mother tongue, in the "dialect" suitable for everyone, because as it were, everyone has their own particular dialect, its particular reality.
And apart from that there are large groups, major languages \u200b\u200bthat are not individual but a collective understanding. By this I mean a "mystical", "religious", "scientific", "psychologists", "physical" quantum physics, metaphysics, philosophical, etc.
Everything we viewed from all angles, and if we learn the universal language, the language of silence, in the end we discover that we all speak the same thing.
The problem now is that we lose ourselves in words, and words are no problem, the problem is that each individual interpretations given to these words, the judgments made about them. "
Text by D. and introduced by Esther Sanz (Clinical Psychologist Mental Health External Area Tenerife).
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Registro Do Lpso Pet Shop
Monday, January 3, 2011
Is Cheating Punishable By Death Bible
On the craziness and the desire
"Madness is the diamond of lies, what happens when you become and determining that as crazy as it sounds crazy ... what is around me or I have. Supposedly it's like when you shake your head ... when you miss something or somebody. "
" Madness is something that is affecting me very much, for revenue to hospitals and asylums. But there are good and bad in some places. The society looks at us wrong. But friends and family are always there to help. "
" The folly or ill, that is just shit (misery, offal, repudiation).
"All humans have symptoms madness or mental illness to a greater or lesser extent. The madness in itself an outbreak usually starts very strong positive symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, believing you a celebrity or fictional, unrealistic views, constantly hear voices in your mind differently. When the outbreak began we have had prodromal warning as distrust, apathy, poor hygiene, feel observed and a chain of symptoms which would lead to the outbreak.
With medication we make these symptoms go away and start again with a clear mind, as I said earlier some symptoms such as distrust, feeling self-conscious, apathy ... these are what many of our Similar to a lesser extent not coming to disrupt the individual, also people are angry and are aggressive without being mentally ill, we are not usually aggressive mental patients. "
'Health luck, love, money, peace and happiness. "
" I wish that the entrance to the new year is comfortable. I give away many things. Out of here and meet with friends and family to share holidays, including Christmas, New Year and Epiphany and a bit of everything. Money, Health and Peace of Mind ".
"I want peace in the world who do not have so many wars. Also the economic crisis be resolved and that there is so much unemployment, but also that more people active."
"My wishes for the year two thousand eleven are that conflicts are settled, get out of the global crisis dragged, that capitalist countries to help people who are dying of hunger and disease underdeveloped countries in which control and have medication.
want my teammates to get a mental stability, further research on mental health and there is more budgets for this and comfort of the areas of psychiatry. And continue to ask me my disease in check, my family and friends flourish and, above all health in general. "
" By 2011 there desire simplicity, tranquility, wellness, well future prosperity. "
" Well, would be free to go live in a rented house, there are. I know a nearby apartment for rent for 450 euros which I think is well priced. Yes I think I reach with what I charge, then you can live in a village, and there is peace and happy Merry Christmas. "
" I want to heal and be well to assist in my house with a decent job that I like or with the help of my family and the area of \u200b\u200bmental health .
Texts written by the members of the workshop blog (people admitted to mental health external area of \u200b\u200bTenerife) and paintings by users of the paint shop.
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