Alejandro Hernandez This title presents a "roadmap to family and friends affected by bipolar disorder learn how to deal with this disease to improve their quality of life. "
The interest of this ingredient book is the condition of bipolar disorder affected the author, which in a simple manner and from a biologist position, is breaking down the usual components of a psychoeducational program: definition of the disorder, types and subtypes, manic and depressive episode, other features episodes, diagnosis, medical treatment, medication, psychotherapy, self-help groups and psychoeducation, morbidity, suicide, prodrome, what to do ... In conclusion, Alejandro includes a story called "Love bipolar."
From Jumping Walls, despite disagreeing with some of the conclusions drawn in this book, which can result in a somewhat reductionist view of mental illness, we offer our congratulations to Alex for his example of personal growth.
Text by Esther Sanz (Clinical Psychologist Mental Health External Area Tenerife).
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