The texts below are the personal opinions of some of the users of our units (subacute and active rehabilitation) on the work that professionals live with them day to day conduct. We have been faithful in the transcription of their writing but have decided to maintain the anonymity of authors and omit some names subject to criticism.
"I take a very long process in this hospital by my illness and legal reasons. At this time it has changed my mind. That's what I told my old psychiatrist ... slowly I was psyched that my illness had to be treated with medication for life, since my first outbreak thought I was not sick and I saw my psychiatrist as an enemy. And I've realized that all they wanted to do was to help specialists and they got it, because today I am a stable patient with my faults as well as specialists, they are human. I do not mean the judgments about their profession, as my psychiatrist, I have shown in everything they say they are very well qualified.
When I walked into this center had no clinical psychology, after the years has come true with a very nice psychologist sessions which gives us help in conjunction with our medication. I would say in that aspect as we have come overnight. Yes I had a psychologist who helped me with relaxation therapies, but nothing compared to how well we come clinical psychologist.
humans, assistants and nurses, and to be lengthy internment for my circumstances, I have had misunderstandings with some, but I reckon it was, say, my fault. Well
quotes, existed in me positive symptoms (hallucinations, delusions) and although there were people ready, I had these symptoms to the surface and concealed.
There were those who considered me a normal person.
not blame anybody anything, I'm glad my time here and as this for me has been my home for over a decade I thank everyone in general knowing they are delivered to us, patients with all the professionalism and care they can. "
" My thoughts about my health educators, psychologists, nurses, auxiliaries, etc. it is very good, except some nurses, but everything else very well . I think it's all said, I insist that I'm some nurses with evil intent and did not find any explanation, and also included a classmate. "
" I think these state employees: psychologists, physicians, nurses, aides, housekeeping, cooks, gardening, etc ... do things the best they can, according to their talents or conscience. They can not do much, but you can take a problem that you stumble. "
" I think all the experts are doing a great job but I've asked things and I do not confirm anything, be it I just still can not talk about it. Moreover, the auxiliaries, the psychologist and psychiatrist rather, they are working well mostly because they do it very helpful to me in my recovery, I think it can be absolute. "
" The psychologist speaks clearly of all things and our illness, etc. . The doctor treats us very well, that neither the hospital treated me so well. I am proud of the doctor that I have, the doctor told me I will give a supervised home although I have to wait for this party because he has said things important to my health. Esther is very nice to my heart. The auxiliary well in every way. "
" The doctors are good professionals. Nurses and assistants are good people because they help us and I think everyone in general are good professionals. And the psychologists are trying to help us as they can. In two words are good. "
" I do not know well my doctor. I do not know what will and sometimes I doubt any of it. When I ask him to listen to resolve my personal problems answered me with no time and has many patients who attend. On the other hand is a person who sometimes shows a personal look cheerful and hopeful, very positive to help. Not everyone can be perfect. My psychologist Day Centre is for me very important, very positive and receptive, is democratic and it helps me just to see it. My other hospital psychologist is kindly affection. It is democratic, modern and instills confidence, although this should be even more redundant. Adjuncts are all generally good people with a turn, help us all and are respectful. "
" From my psychologist might say it's very good professional. My psychiatrist who is very hard for a woman to smoke a cigar in the bathroom I took the permission of the four because I was with colleagues for a ride. We'll see if I can come out later ".
" I think the psychiatric hospital professionals are good in general. Although there are differences between them because of their character. For example there is a monitor that is always pissed off, because it has to be in control of everything. I think my psychiatrist is not a bad person. Of the nurses think that their work does sometimes be a bit authoritarian, because otherwise it would be a loss of control ".
" I am a person I think that medical care would be better in every way and psychologists and psychiatrists have to improve because you have a lot of attention to them, there are many doctors who sometimes do not ignore us and not have to be. Of hospital physicians think that would have to be more vigilant, what happens is that I am a person who does not know how to express myself talking ...".
Texts written by the members of the workshop blog (users of the area external mental health) and introduced by Esther Sanz (clinical psychologist mental external area).
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