Monday, October 18, 2010

Acrylic Nails On Bitten Nails

Eduardo Saman "I do not know the reason for my departure and I could not talk to Chavez" joke and ask

By: Prensa La Cumbre. Oswaldo López G.
Release Date: 10/18/1910

October 18 .- For many months former trade minister and former president of the Institute for Defense of the People's Access the Goods and Services (Indepabis), Eduardo Saman, was low profile until he decided to talk.
"I was hoping that it will be the elections of 26 September (...) I will not do anything to harm the process, let alone go to the right I am a revolutionary and accompanied the commander Chavez because I think it is a factor essential and indispensable in this process ... "
Since his surprise departure of the train woke ministerial many questions in public opinion which supports the Government and the opponent with it.
Hundreds of articles of opinion, analysis and commentary circulated by various means communication, especially web portals, demanding an explanation for his departure. And is that the management of Saman was not under the table, as in other cases it happens.
During his tenure as minister won the affection of many and the hatred of others. Threats, insults and curses are fused between paquetazos of rice in the face with admiration, affection and respect for fellow college professor. In managing
ran Saman, among other things, the nationalization of the supermarket chain and network success of Automercado EACH.
A curious fact stands out that just the day they were opened Bicentennial hypermarkets on 10 February this year, President Hugo Chávez, from Lara state capital, announced the departure of Eduardo Saman, Ministry of Trade and Indepabis, without providing more detail than hitherto known.
"I suggested the expropriation of success, but the decision was taken by the President (Chavez). Similarly, I suggested the expropriation of the EACH, and there was a fellow trouble for that, saying 'you're not the one to decide what is nationalized or expropriated what, this is a decision the President'. "
- who were upset with you?
"The fellow who had the agriculture sector and food . Remember what I said because of the CADA, to understand how Cativen (Chain Store Venezuelan), success was impossible without nationalize nationalize CADA, because the logistics are common to both systems, EACH Success-it was the same logistics, the same trucks, warehouses, and was the decision taken by the president just the day I threw away.
- Why leave the Ministry of Commerce?
"The only person who knows is the President.
- And you still do not know why?
"I know. Moreover, all the ministers know the causes of his departure, simply send them a letter or phone call, as was my case, I called the Vice President (Elias Jaua) and asked me to deliver the post, but I explained why I go.
"But, what is your hypothesis?
- the charged greater strength, seen all that happened and saw everything that happens is a threat of shortages appearing in all indicators collected by the Ministry of Planning, or at least I was led to believe the President.
- Is threat that concerns stemmed from the bourgeoisie?
No, man, what bourgeoisie was the internal Bolibourgeoisie or, to call them with respect, the reformists.
- Can you give names?
"No, okay, because I was able to escape many people. Hypothesis

Saman output reveals that, prior to departure, a meeting was held in the vice presidency, ministers and government officials with top executives of agribusiness and food producers. "I think it was a trap that I tended their own peers."
"What happened in that meeting is that I took an uncompromising position, because I thought it was illogical to allow increases, such as ice cream, when it had increased electricity, milk or sugar, and at that time had increased wages.
had increased only about emulsifiers buying dollars at 2.15 and increased to 2.60, but were extremely expensive ice cream and they were not covered in staples. That was one of the impasses that occurred in the table with a representative of Polar industries.
"I was very hard on them when other students were told, 'Yes, it increases, but not much." There was any conflict because I contradicted my partner, in full session with business, and I think that they used against me. "
- Have not had the opportunity to speak with President Chavez after his dismissal?
"Yes, I spoke with the President. He told me it is a fact of strategy, policy, like baseball, is a matter of playing positions. I can not force the President to explain, he is free to set or remove ...

Capitalism and socialism: a new bourgeoisie? Saman

states, without any modesty, communist and radical, "and therefore considered to build bridges to capitalism and from there build a foundation of socialism is a mistake. "To believe that we must strengthen the bourgeoisie to develop capitalism, then move to socialism is tumbling. I think this is wrong because we already have a dose and there is a setback. Here are strengthened Bolivarian bourgeoisie and see what has been the result. "
- You say that the Fifth Republic has strengthened a new bourgeoisie?
- Sure!, There is not, for example, (Ricardo) Fernandez Barrueco. That fortune was made in the fourth, the did in the fifth.
- What are linked to the government?
"Not necessarily. The Polar is richer in this government and is not linked at all, the Government, and had more wins during this administration.
- What is that?
-Chávez has been the factor that the bourgeoisie does not disappear in the years of savage capitalist globalization and neoliberalism. In this country there are still independent pharmacies, in other countries flew the big chains to independent pharmacies, here are the business and shoe stores, furniture stores (...) that was the big threat in the Fourth Republic: the big fish eat small fish Chavez has prevented that.

between desks and "stunting" communicational

Today Saman continues to serve as professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Central University of Venezuela (UCV), addition to being responsible, pro bono, of the economic section of the Diario Vea.
"I am not tied by an umbilical cord to charge, or the cabinet, I am a soldier of this revolution and I think that from here, from Look, I can fight and I think I'm more useful as a minister, because the communications issue are very weak, very emaciated ... "
- Why should the withdrawal of his candidacy in the PSUV internal to qualify as a deputy for the circuit 5 of Caracas?
"If we accept to be in a game is to obey the party line.

The President explained that he had a specific strategy and my personal aspirations can not interfere with that strategy.
I register for the Vice President (Elias Jaua) when I asked to leave office, I said the President had said that I evaluate the possibility of going to the National Assembly, that Elijah said to me, but then there were changes mind.

Steps to a knife edge

Saman believes that the performance of some governors and mayors influenced Chavez's abstention in past elections. "If you see the secretary of a mayor today, and tomorrow you buy a late model truck, then you say, 'whoa, and how it is. She has a month and walk in vans and luxury ... "
" There were more than two million of us who did not move, they are unhappy. I say that the current radical should capitalize on that discontent in, or not to allow these people, not moved, you go right (...) The right is death, is fascism, is racism is the reverse, is to deliver the country, delivering oil, is slavery ... "A box

A Indepabis softie?
Saman says the Indepabis after his departure as president of that institution, "does not inspect bakeries," because he said there was a non-aggression agreement between the Ministry of Commerce and the Venezuelan Federation of Industrial and Allied Bakery (Fevipan).
"That they were not strikes and that will not stop the Indepabis agreed to be the fool with the increasing abuse of bread. Then, prohibited prosecutors to inspect bakeries and close them. To be taken to the prosecutor and judge me by what I'm saying, but it's true.
"When Indepabis prosecutors did an inspection, Baker called the of Fevipan, that of the deputy minister called Fevipan (Foreign Trade), Carlina Pacheco, and she called the president of Indepabis (Valentina Two Querales Wolkow) to call attention to it was doing an act a baker, and then had to undo that ... "


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