Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tax On Used Trailers Ontario

Computer "Mono Jojoy" begins to speak: President Santos confirms ties between the FARC and drug trafficking ...

Casual or causal, talk about the Mono Jojoy Democrats could capitalize on the Colombians, the wait has been long, in the esoteric communication is so fond of the press, the unintentional background appears more or less under this legend subliminal "The real death occurs when one disappears from the living memory ..." We were expecting these statements by the new president of Colombia used to the cameras of the world surrounded by dead, military and rattles. For your neighbor Santos Chavez this rehash does not improve the status of his predecessor Uribe. Poverty Santos statements portend a field survey, a trial balloon to heat the headlines, as Vargas Llosa's indignation because steals prominence Liu Xiaobo, a Colombian sheikhs should bother you that the squalid Ecuadorians have not crowned with success "coup" against President Rafael Correa.

For Latin American journalism Santos findings are irrelevant, in a drugged Latin America had been naive to believe that the financing of the FARC does not have links with drug trafficking. Colombian official fortunes and fortunes of Economic Groups in Latin America have not yet been able to cover their tracks of tax havens. Nor is it free Ecuador have run out of money to benefit the money laundering of drug trafficking from Latin American states are more interested in fighting for control of markets and not against the "insecurity" imaginary politicians Santos vandals as proposed by its means. Do not be surprised if the next step of the Colombian government alludes to Venezuela to whom Spain is trying to encircle it socialism Chavez is destabilizing the English vampire who rode bridges with English politics, there are complaints, investigations are underway and going back and forth negotiations ... If this is new to Santos here will leave some reading ...


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