President of the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Honduras (CODEH) Andrés Pavón, reported Friday that a group of international lawyers could be appointed by the Commission International Human Rights (IACHR) to consider the alleged trial accused the president, Manuel Zelaya, ousted by the coup in June 2009 in Honduras.
Pavón revealed that the decision to allocate an international group of lawyers to assess charges against Zelaya called the Public Ministry (MP) and the Supreme Court, would "result of a long and quiet" work more than six months by the CODEH from asked the Commission to take precautionary measures to Zelaya, and more than 40 people who accompanied him during his confinement at the Brazilian embassy, \u200b\u200bprevented from leaving by military specialists.
also said it is his commitment since the Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular (FNPR), decided to demand the return of the president in exile, on the ballot in the return to a constitutional sovereign. Pavón
explained that the records reviewed, the reviewers could determine that these cases were opened against Zelaya trials after the coup, that the charges are politically motivated and justify its annulment because they are false.
added that the decision should be discussed with Zelaya, so Pavón would meet with him in the Dominican Republic next week. And because of that, has had to cancel a trip abroad expected to go to receive a prize for the Platform for Human Rights in Honduras.
CODEH president, said the participation of the journalist, David Romero, for that purpose, after he read a letter he sent in which Zelaya Romero asks, to help you determine the status of the alleged false judgments against the ousted president. Pavón
urgent precautionary measures requested the Executive Secretary of the IACHR, Santiago Canton, by letter of October 26, 2009, for President Zelaya and other people being tortured by the military through the issue of infrasound, chemical and loud noises.
A report of 30 th July 2010, the High Commission of the Organization of American States (OAS CAN), formed to Honduras, "saw fit to end to the lawsuits filed during the de facto regime of former President Zelaya and his staff, according to Honduran law.
After assessing whether the continuation of the coup regime, advanced enough to be readmitted to the regional body that Honduras was expelled, the Commission stated in its report that "perceived" allegations against the ousted president, as "politically motivated ".
He added that given that the two processes that are pending against Zelaya, although falling "events well in advance" of the coup, "only were formalized until after "it happened.
processes and actions of the prosecutor "were recently formalized, after the fall of Zelaya as president of the country," while "he was accused of treason, abuse of authority and others "out of the negative political climate that produced the coup," said the Commission.
"It is clear that when the trials start living a situation of constitutional breakdown, which can not be ignored. Therefore, those allegations are perceived as politically motivated, "said the High Commission of the OAS to Honduras in its report.
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