The script failed coup in Ecuador and the attempted assassination of President Correa confirmed that Washington does not understand that the expulsion in 2009 of Chief the CIA at the U.S. embassy in Quito, the spy Mark Sullivan, the man who had previously managed the agency's station in Havana, was not by choice.
With or without Obama, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) maintains the use of the same web continental agents and the same dirty tricks that experienced streamlined Sullivan during his stay in Cuba and Ecuador.
Director of the CIA station in the Andean country, Mark Sullivan was deported on May 18, 2009 the Ecuadorian territory.
stronghold in the Avigiras Avenue in northern Quito, working under the pompous title of first secretary at the U.S. Embassy, \u200b\u200bfrantically directing numerous intelligence agents who hide among the 185 U.S. employees residing in this nation .
few days before the eviction, and had been invited to pack their bags to your colleague Armando Astorga, "senior special agent of the embassy" that staff personally assigned police units that subsidized and oriented. Astorga was an agent of the Department of Homeland Security U.S. (Department of Homeland Security, in English) which coordinated its activities with the CIA.
For his part, Sullivan directly oriented activities no less than the Special Investigations Unit of the Police (UIES), a body at the highest level it had virtually no access to all police activities in the Andean nation.
As if not enough, coordinating actions with the DAS (Colombian intelligence) and the Armed Forces of Colombia, in constant communication with Michael Steere, chief CIA station in Venezuela.
In an interesting case study of Sullivan, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Ecuador today Kintto Lucas (author of The War at Home - From Kings to the Manta Base) designated as "in the biographical records of the State Department there is no reference or mention the Mark Sullivan path. "
"According to some diplomatic and intelligence sources in the days before and after the attack by Colombian armed forces to the camp of Raul Reyes in Angostura, Sullivan maintained a close relationship with the Colombian police and military intelligence" he says.
Kintto Lucas notes as some sources suggest Sullivan and his colleague Michael Steere, chief of the CIA station in Venezuela, led the operation that were made thousands of documents published in the famous computer of Raul Reyes, released after the bombing of March 1 , 2008. " A true masterpiece of forgery and fraud.
Sullivan is no naive in the world of espionage and penetration of the security organs of the countries where they settled on behalf of the CIA in costumes provided by the Department of State.
work was initiated during the Cold War, the United States Embassy in Romania where maneuvered in the murky waters of the relations between Bucharest and Washington. Perhaps
operation that best demonstrates the clearly criminal character Suyllivan (and similar) was the handling when the terrorist organization advised the National Union for the Independence of Angola better known under the acronym UNITA, during a stay in the territory of People's Republic of Angola.
Created by the regime of apartheid South Africa with the complicity of the United States to destabilize the Angolan revolutionary government of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), UNITA Jonas Savimbi fascist caused thousands of deaths in the population while receiving for huge quantities of arms and money from their sponsors.
Not surprisingly, Sullivan represented the intelligence of the country in Haiti in 1991, when the coup of September 30 led by the then commanding general of the armed forces, Raoul Cedras, overthrew President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. And worse, it reappeared in the impoverished nation when the United States had no choice but to reinstate Aristide in power (to overthrow him again later).
Sullivan exercised its infiltration activities, bribery and manipulation in a similar manner, successively, in Rwanda, when there the chilling events, Ethiopia and Eritrea and Congo.
In Cuba, a land of predilection of the fauna of Langley, was the first political secretary and CIA officer in the U.S. Interests Section (SINA)-described as "the Joint Chiefs of subversion and deceit" - which replaced the station manager George Alexander Gryschuk (aka Hryschuk) in espionage and subversion activities taking place in the bunker of the Malecon Habanero. There
Sullivan took pains to recruit, organize and finance mercenaries, traitors and spies who cooperate with the embargo that aims to quell the Cubans.
fanaticism was dedicated to hostile to disseminate publications produced in the United States, who slander the Cuban Revolution and said the link between Miami's Cuban-American groups and contacts on the island, with the usual intelligence and infiltration purposes. The CIA sends
Sullivan then to Chile in 2004 just when you start the electoral process leading to the presidency to the candidate Michelle Bachelet.
In Ecuador, the level of control of the Embassy of police activity in the country reached scandalous levels properly.
With the work of Sullivan and his staff, became so submissive UIES diplomatic personnel U.S. that gave their support to the relief of the senior officers of the security organ.
Moreover, U.S. Embassy officials controlled and inventoried the goods and logistics mechanisms elite unit.
seems unimaginable: Washington paid weapons, computers, until he used the UIES staplers. Almost everything. Unethical under the principle that "Who holds the purse strings" Washington cleared the bills of their vehicles (U.S.), its cellular and safe houses where they were held with the participation of officials of the embassy, \u200b\u200binterviews, reviews polygraph sessions briefing agents and any little task admissible. One can imagine
as United States participated in the same manner in the 80's in the operations that ended with insurgent groups.
Shockingly, to break these privileged relations with the expulsion of Sullivan, his colleagues at the embassy kidnapped the material "given" and took computers, along with information from more than 15 years of research they contained.
In analyzing the case of Sullivan, a question arises constantly: How many staff Sullivan walk today in Latin America the same way violating the sovereignty of its peoples?
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